Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

"TIGER HOU E" T run though lines on a bare stage. ~iger ~ou6e ·ational The pian, under the guidance of l\1i Do' ney, pre ented l\ o three act play thi ear. The et ' a repainted before "Tiger Hou~e" wa pre ented and the traditional ca t partie were held after both pla The troupe al o pon ored an a embly featur– ing the olgate Thirteen and in tailed ne\1 mem– ber at initiation in February and June. TR UPE :\1E:\lBER LOOK 0 while cast members run through a . cene. Front Row, left to right: :\li Downey, Lynne aragol, ~anry ' immo, Jay Hern, and Bev Bourke. • econd Row: Ann ~Ia on, G nie mith, \lary nn Link, Elaine oper, and Bob nyder. Third Row: Bert Hill , Peggy Leinen, Bucky \1 agher and Carol Deerhake. TAGE HA, 0 play an important part in the be/ore the performance preparation. Tl N L THE PI OFFICER confer with advisor. Front Row, left to right: ~[i Downey, advi~or: :'\ancy immo, secretary. econd Row: nne 1a on, president; Bob nyder, treasurer; Jay Hern, Lice pre ident.