Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
APPRECIATIVE A DIE.' E AT THE CHRI T\IA CON ERT in the school auditorium. ~\lpical THE AUDIE . 'E ll\GI'IG "Rudolph the Red-,\osed Reindeer" at the Ghristmas concert. E'\ lOR LOCKER on the 3rd floor u;ere dre ed in the1r Chrillma.~ finery for the holidaJS. TilE C.\~IER,\ CATCIIE THE F RTH GRADE which wa. hou.~ed in the high .~chool thrs ) car due to the otcr· crowdt•d conditions in the elementary school. GIRL E \ R< llll\G for her lo t report card in a well– filled locker.
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