Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
r GLA:'\CI:'<G UP /rom hl.'f Hudic' is \'ancy .'.tnn(U'r. the rice firt'.,idt•nt of the <ophumure class. \IR . LEH , ER' HO~IEROO.\l waiting for the bell. Front Row, left to right: T. Waul!h. K. Thayrr, F. Cary, . Todd, B. inrent. . 'econd Row: D. Van alkenburg, G. Vo", G. 'mith, \l. Wrlch, \I. Willner. Third Row: . Cooper, E. Tomb, , . tringer, K. pofTord, P. nook. Fourth Row: C. taple , B. Rathhun, \(. ibble, R. Meed . Fifth Row: mith, J. mith, T. li\inski, P. Tri\elpiere.• eated at desk: Mr. Lehner. 'more ~"" i6 oH tlte 'Wall A GLD1P E OF 0\1E OPHO– ?\lORE at a basketball game. ln a mood to raise money, the cia of '58 put their head together and came up with their cia s dance, Autumn Leaves. They also pon ored a dart-shooting booth at the Student Council Carnival. S HLING FOR THE PHOTOG– RAPHER is Franny hawl, the secretary of the sophomore class. [33)
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