Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
[34) UPPER CLA SMEN join the soph girls in their practice. OPHO\IORE OF :\ll H GHE' homeroom doing a little activity period cramming. Front Row, left to right: \1. lark, B. Crandle, :'\. Craner. econd Row: R. Courtwright, D. Bai ter, R. Brown, R. pgar, R. Conway, C. Ablani. e, B. Crandel. Third Row: D. Cra\er, . ly worth, R. Cook, . Cro . man, J. Boyle, J. Cooney. Fourth Row: R. Adsit, K. Cole, M. Andrew , T. Ci ler, J. Bi hap, B. Cooper. SOPH GIRL PR TICE basketball skills after chool.
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