Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

(36] ince experience i · the be t teacher the journ– ali m cia learned the who, what, where, when, how and why of ne\\ ·paper by pulling out the chool paper, the Hornet ' e t. once a month. With the THE 'EW 'PAPER crew examining a newspaper in Miss Conklin'.~ room 4th period. First Row, front to back: C. Boy en, P. Kane, P. Cronk, P. :\1ar. hall, A. Arthur, P. Tardio, J. Wa, el. econd Row: A. :\Ia on, Y. Allen, C. Hunt, P. Yeakel. Third Row: K ' immo, A. Koziko•• ki, :\J. arl on, J. Roberts, R. nyd r. Fourth Row: B. Kirkwood, Bahouth, J. Richer, C. Trh-elpiece. Fifth Row: D. mith, . Reibel, P. chai, . Reagan. 'ixth Row: ]. A hley. Grouped around back desk, seated: F. Ianier and E. oper. tanding: :\lis onklin, AdLiser: E. Ha\'ill, K. ~[rDonald, R. :\[oore, ~1i s Hughe. , J. Dudl y, P. Ieeth, A. La:\Iontagne. help of ~li Hughe , the horthand II cia up the dummie . Aided and abetted by Mi lin, the "hole crew put in long hour in an to turn out an up-to-date. intere ting paper. typed Conk– effort Elaine oper and Fran Staniec, CO· editors of the Hornets Nest, and Mary Ellen Carlson, business manager, look over articles /or the next issue.