Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

RADIO CL B is examining a new transrratter in Mr. Pease's room during a meeting, Thursday activity period. Front Row, left to right: Hugh leland, Gordon Pollock, Oleg Federoff, teve Todd, :\1ike Milan, Jerry Hofer, and :\lr. Pea e. The Radio Club ha had everal project , in– cluding building orne of the equipment for it tation, K2GPE under the guidance of Mr. Pea e. The member took e\·eral field trip , including one to yracu e Univer it} FUTURE FARMER OF AMERICA test the soil in the Ag room during their Monday meeting. Front Row, left to right: J. ooney, T. Wa el, L. Keller, E. l\liller. econd Row: :\lr. Rudd, f. ~a h, R. Lincoln, B. Crolick, C. Osborn, R. Cook, T. Dunham, :\I. ook. Be ide working on farm project and ma– chinery, the member of the F- 1 chapter of Future Farmer of America had everal exhibit at the ew York tate Fair. tool<: field trip , and received an award for taking in over Sl,OOO in eed sale . THE FUTURE HOMEMAKER OF AMERICA gather in the Homemaking Room /or their picture. Front Row, left 10 right: D. Rowe, E. Gaffey, :\f. L. Hackett, M. Ientz, P. :\1arshall. econd Row: Mr . Whitney (Ad– visor l, 1[, Web ter, P. Tardio, B. haw], D. mith, l\l. Boyle. tanding: P. Cougler, J. Palmer, S. Ayle worth. Bake ale , a ilver tea, crap book , and Chri tma card , entertaining the Fulton F.H.A. fill– ed the Future Homemaker of America' chedule. Lending a hand ' ere Mr . Whitney advisor; BettyLou haw! pre ident; Pat Tardio, trea urer; and Margaret Web ter, ecretary.