Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
The 1955 Baseball Team wa one of the be t to repre~ent the chool. Rehind orne trona pitch– ing and dutch hitting the Hornet · won at lea tone game from all of their opponent · except ~orth ·racu::.e. lo ing only one game on their home field. TilE FAYE:TTEVILLE'·MANL/U ' VAR 'JTY BA 'EBALL 'QUAD in the field shows its batting power and lrey defense. Front Row, left to right: F. ~liddleton, D. l\lyer. , T. Fudge, :\1r. Wheeler (coach 1, T. Knapp, J. Robert , T. Gabriel on. Second Row: G. Petco, D. Park, K. Lowenberg, F. Kuracina, T. l\luench, D. Bentley, E. Buchwald. THE: JU 'lOR VAR 'JTY quad pose /or a camera shot at the end of a suc· cess/ul season. Front Row, left to right: P. :\fartin, R. Ree,es, B. Trh•elpiece, D. Croop, J. Fi her. Second Row: D. Wad worth, :\1r. Burcroff (coach), D. Kin ella. Third Row: T. Herlow ki, T. Hall, C. German, D. Conway, G. Gibson, B. Lloyd, C. Farino1a. The Junior Var ity Ba eball Team took part in the ne\dy formed J. V. league. Thi provided a full chedule for J. V. play and increa ed enthu ia m for ba eball. The Hornet ·' record i boo ted by good team effort and much needed experience. F-M 4 Baldwin ville F- I 10 E. yracu e ........ F-M 6 Liverpool ......... F-M 9 olvay ............ F-M 2 1\'. yracu e ........ F-M 12 Baldwin ville F-M 3 E. yracu e ........ F-M 1 Liverpool .......... F-M 10 olvay 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I I 0 F-l\1 4 r. Syra.cu e ........ Won 4- Lost 6 7 8 2 10 5 10 7 4 9 8 [41)
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