Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

~rack, ~enni6, ana ~otl Star6 A tough chedule confronted a track team which ' a compo ed mo tly of under cla men. The team placed third in the county meet being no ed out by Ea t yracu e by one point. te\\ Evan Dave Coon, and Wayne Brignall repre ented the Hornet in the ection III meet. With mo t of the team returning, next year track team hould be very ucce ful. TRACK TEAM receites a few pointers /rom Coach Dauenhauer at a track practice. ( . Evan., \lr. Dau nhauer · in front l T. i.ler, D. Polhamu D. Reighn, \lyt'r~. \1. Andrew . , econd Rou;: Farrell B. _ pgar, ro. man, ]. Pirkard, . oil in., 0. William.. Third Row: P. . O~born, D. oon, B. Cox, W. Dickin ~on, W. Brignall, \I. Na h, B. Vincent. Led by their aptain and ingle ace, AI 1c– Guire, the F -l\1 Tenni Team came through the ea on with a 3-2 record. McGuire lo t only one match, the fir t in hi high chool career. Bert Hill and Bucky Meagher won a good hare of the econd and third ingle , ' hile John Poniatow ki and Keith Brignall tJnd Chuck Woodworth and Whicky Carpenter did a good job in the double . THE F-M TE I TEAM is on the court ready for a tough match. Front to Back, left: . Woodworth, J . Hern, E. LaMontagne, K. Brignall J. Poniatow ki, l\fr. ~fon£orte. Front to Back, right: B. 1eagher, W. Carpenter, B. Hill , B. Lindberg, . McGuire.