Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
(44] THE GIRL GOLFER. pose for their picture during their after school prac– tice session. Front Row, left to right: N. Potter, N. tringer, E. Tomb, Dorri Bai ter, J. Lynch, . Lemery, P. Snook, 1. E. arl on, M. A. Link, Mrs. Robin on (Advisor). Among port offered to girls thi prin~ were softball and golf. The girl grouped them elve into team and played in an intramural program. The point thi proaram gave helped many girl win their block F-l\1. port man hip and funda- mental were tre ed rather than competition. THE GAME gets under way during girls' after-school softball program on the athletic field. Front· Row, left to right: E. Tomb, P. nook, Jli. Stringer, . Lemery, J. Lynch, G. Phillips, D. Bai ter, Mr . Robin on. 'econd Row: . Pouer A. Fuller, . Ayle 1\0rth, . Bai ter. Cat– ching: D. Hale. At Bat: . Eaton.
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