Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
Star6 dJ.re ':Born After try-out of horl tory kit , Dramatic Club wa divided into two ection . nder the direction of Mi s Downey, they earned point for admittance to rational The pian by erving on committee for The pian play and by acting in two one-act play , "I Won't Dance" and "Cupid Ad– verli es." CE E taken from Dramatic's Club play, "I Won't Dance." YOUNG DRAMATI T witness a playful skirmish on the stage during a Thursday meeting. Front Row, left to right: D. Haggett, S. Spire . econd Row: J. Chapman, J. Kin ella, R. Pace, S. Cook, J. Morley, S. Gladden, T. Wa el. Third Row: E. Soper, R. Mayor, B. Hoyt, M. Welch, C. Ea tman, l\1. E. Crawford. Fourth Row: P. Fitzgerald, P. Jackson, J. Hern, J. Kamerer, P. Leinen, P. Schai, M. Drake, T. Waugh, D. Guild, K. Try zyn ki, ~lis Downey, (advisor). DRAMATIC' CLUB cast at a rehearsal for the play, "I fli' on't Dance". [49]
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