Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
AFTER REC£/Vl'G PIN cmd membership card, Beatrice Duune' 1.\ wngratulatecl b.r J1r. Van Geisen. Mr. Lewis, principal. looks on. p2] CHARTER M£UBER . OF l/Oi\UR .0(./ET}' i" the awli– torium are u:aamg to be iPI.Ilalled. Front Row. left to right: E. ,\I!' Bride, R. Huston, B. Hood, C. Greene. L Ge11 inner, B. For. ythe, D. Da1enport, \\. Chapman, E. Burh11ald. D. Bentley, C. Beacham. J. Apple· gale -"econd Rou: r\. Walters, A. Teute, R. Porter, A. Palzik. D. \elson, 1\l. :\ldnt~ re. B. \[elnto;,h, P. \tar<·y, A. \lt-Guire, K. La11ler, B. Ja•·ohs. Third Row: ]. Wassel, R. nyder, :\1. \loore, R..\larshall, R. Fulmer. R. Fudge, W. Fenn, B. Do11nes, :'\1. E. (..arJ,on. MR::.. FAR.\ HAM, uTI stage. gitiTig out canc/les at the first Honor uciety Installation. R. Fudge taking the candle, 11hile B. :\lclntosh, J. Apple· gate, and :'\1. :'\lclntyre look on. £. McBRIDE waiting her turn to re· ceire her pin, us Mr. Lewi.1 reacls her citation.
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