Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

MEMBER.' of Honor • ociet) li~ht their candles at installation. 'j)uriK~ tlte ~ear In lallation of charter member at an impre ive ceremony Ia l June, 1955, marked the arrival of the Oak Chapter of the ational Honor ociety at Fayetleville-l\Ianliu . erving on the faculty com– mittee which elected member were 1r . Farnham, Mr . Butte), and Mr. Lewi . Chosen for character, scholar hip, leadership and service, the original EW HO OR OCIETY MEMBER. arc welcomed by their parents and faculty, at a reception after the initial in· stallation. VETI'LY 1\DUCTED charter members recite the llonor ociety Pledge. member planned in Lallation of candidate in January and June with the help of their fir t of– ficer : Bob Snyder, pre ident; Bill Fenn, vice– pre ident; Dick Fulmer, lrea urer; and Mary Ellen Carl on, ecretary. A an additional honor, mem– ber of the Honor ociely are allowed to wear tole over their go\\n at graduation. 1956 members of National Honor ocietr meet in the auditorium during the lunch period. Front Row, left to right: 0. Federoff, N. Barhman, J. Bro.. u., R. Pare, . Ea tman, B. Hotze, J. Chapman, A. Thornton, F. Ianier, C. Grant. Second Row: B. Robert, W. Fenn, R. Fud~te, R. nyder, ~f. E. Carl on, B. Downe , M. Moore, R. Fulmer, R. ~far hall. (~3]