Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

The Future Teacher's Club is a new organization at F-M. The club helped those interested in teaching gain a better understand– ing of the profe ion. Members went on field trips to teachers' colleges, entertained speakers and worked with teachers in order to be better prepared for teaching. They tried to gain the needed basic kills such as speaking, writing, and working with teach– ing aids. MR: LEWIS hands Kathy Lawler, last year's president, the charter with F.T.A.'s first seal, as Mr. Hollenbeck looks on. FUTURE TEACHERS Association boarding the bus /or a trip to Cortland tate Teachers' College. Front Row, left to right: Mi Allen, G. Phillip , E. Havill, Mr . Farnham. ec– ond Row: E. Lord, C. Button, P. Moore, C. Rhoade . Third Row: . Gladden, H. hangle, B. Downes, K. Griffin. Fourth Row: D. Baine , ]. Forin~:er, L. Kuracina, P. Lane, N. Potter, P. Bark– ley. Fifth Row: B. James, C. Grant, A. Hutchin , P. Sleeth, C. Deerhake, M. Lewi , T. Wa ho, C. Hunt. ixth Row: . Gray, B. Stillman, J. Mason, A. Thornton, M. Wylie, B. Nitsch. F.T .A. MEMBERS waiting for punch after last year's installation of new members. Front Row, left to right: Miss Allen, K. Lawler, B. Forsythe, R. Houston, E. Lord, Mrs. Farnham. Second Row: C. Hunt, C. Button, P. Kane.