Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

Every good tory ha a plot; in thi ca e it' the tory of what our cia did in it four year of high school. Every tory ha character : in thi one there are ninety- even the cia of 1956. And e ery story ha a beginning. Once upon a time in 1952 when knight were late for date ) and fre hmen initiation were rough, the fir t chapter of our Lory began to take shape (before centralization). The Ianliu edition of our cia elected Pudge Dudley, pre ident; Don Bligh, vice-pre ident; Carol Trivelpiece ecretary; and Frank Giacondo, Lrea urer. Their major money- making cheme in ol ed a gay extra aganza en– titled the Fro h Frolic. In the other camp, Fayelle– ville, variou project , including the elling of Chri tma card were carried on under the leader- hip of Bill Fenn pre ident; Audre LaMontagne, vice-pre ident; Penny Jone , ecretary; and Bill Manning trea urer. Their dance for the year wa a pectacular (in compatible color) called Winter Wonderland. In the next chapter the two chool centralized, and we became tudent of F-M and ophomore imultaneou ly. Leading character in our econd year were Bob nyder, pre ident; ancy immo, vice-pre ident; Pete Lane, secretary; and far Ann Link, Lrea urer. Proving our ability to work together, we held two dance , omething unique in either high chool' hi tor . leighride" intro– duced the idea of program dance and e1ling Chri trna cor age . We al o took pi Lure of the couple attending in an old-fa hioned leigh. To raise money for oundproofing the g m ceiling we "threw" a dance called appropriately "Mood Moderne, ' which ' a a noi y ucce . Our cia further di tingui hed it elf in the clo ing pages of thi ophornore chapter by holding an 'unofficial' picnic. A very bu y year and we made a lot of money! A upper Ia men we continued to fill the page of our little aga. The mo t important item here ' ere our fabulou Junior Prom and the elec– tion of tudenl ouncil pre ident. A alway , the candidate were junior . Although Dick :\lar hall wa elected, ~Iary nn Link, Bob n der, and Anne Ma on put up a gr at battle. We cho e Bill Fenn to lead u a cia pre ident; :\1ary Ann Link, ice-pre idenl · 'an y Hill, cretary · and Tim Fudge, trea ur r. A cording to tradition , a com– mittee of junior planned and managed graduation with only one mi hap) ! Fran Laniec got the nod a be t all-round girl and won the cu tomary Elmira College Key. The knight got later, (for date ) but initi– ation were a lot milder. Like all good thing , initiation , too, came to an end for F-M. Although we originall ~xpected a foreign tudent from France we were plea ed to welcome Bev Bourke from ew Zealand. till trying to get rid of the pencil and decal we had bought a junior , we al o decided to rai e money by combining the tra- ditional enior Auction with a dance. It wa called ingeniou ly the Auction-Dan e. All the e project got a hand from our cia officer : Tim Fudge, pre ident; Fran taniec, vice-pre ident; Bobbie Kirkwood, ecretar ; and Don Bligh trea - urer. Clo ing the page of the tory of the Ia of 1956 were the enior Ball and long-awaited grad– uation, planned for u by the junior . It i cu - tomary for the enior cia to leave the chool a rrift. Thi we will be ery glad to do-if we have any money with which to buy one. It i al o cu - tomary to announce in thi ection of the yearbook that we are leaving "good-ole F-M' to the under- cia men. o a we can't take it with u here it i . Left to risht: Campaisn tas recall the visorou tudent Council elections. A puzzled chemi. try student seeks the aid of a friend durins Mr. Pease's fir.!t period class. Bill Fenn, junior clas president, prepares for the Junior Prom. Bill Fenn, president of the "56" Junior Clasf, escorts his date to the Junior Prom.