Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
JOYCE EILEIN ABELL Joyce wa active in the sports program, taking part in girls' sports, intramurals and fodern Dance Oub. She was also a member of Natural Hi tory Club and participated in Library Club. VICTOR ALBA ESE A hard working member of both the track and cro s country teams, Vic further demon trated his preference for the outdoor life by joining Hunting and Fi hing Club, serving as its vice· president in his ophomore year. In addition Vic wa a member of Rine Club and Camera Club. VIRGINIA RENE ALLEN Ginny's main intere ts have been in sports and mu ic. She bas been a member of Swing Sixteen, Choir and All State Sectionals; been elected to A.A. and ha earned her Block F. M. She was also on the Patron Staff of Oak Leaves and served on the Hornets' Ne t Staff. Senior~, ~ir~t in ot~~~emblie~ JAMES WILLIS ASHLEY Jim served Student Council and the chool as Candy Store and School Store Manager. On the Photography Staff of Oak Leaves and president of Camera Club, he was al o on the Hornets' Nest Staff. Jim sang in Choir, Boy ' Choru , and All State Sectional. He was treasurer of Natural History Club and a member of Leaders Club. SCOTT AXE Scott was a member of the football team for four years. He played line and halfback during this time. An unfortunate injury canceled most of his last season. He al o participated in track and bowling. For participation in all the e sports, Scott was awarded a block letter. SYLVIA ANN BAHOUTH Sylvia has been very active during high school, serving on various committees such as the Graduation and Junior Prom Committees. After arousing school spirit as a cheerleader, Sylvia \l'as elected to A.A., worked on the Hornets' Nest Staff and took part in girls' sports earning her block F. M.
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