Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
ANN MARY BAlSTER A member of Block F-:\'l because of her participation in girl ' port , Ann was al o a member of Ski Club and Leader ' Club. Ann wa very intere ted in Camera Club, although she wa a member for only one year. Girl • Chorus and ~lixed Chorus claimed her en· thu ia tic participation. DONALD EUGENE BLIGH Don erved a a class officer twice, a vice-pre ident in hi freshman year and trea urer in hi enior. Be ide his membership on the Hornets' Ne t taff, Don ha been a ports enthu iast. He has earned both a block F-:\1: and a block M and ha been a member of the ba ketball, track, and cro -coun- try team . BEVERLEY MARGARET BOURKE Bev carne to u from ew Zealand a our foreign tudent thi year. On her arrival at F- I she became an enthu i– a tic member of everal chool organ· izations. A member of A.F.., he al o became a member of tudent ouncil, A.A. and ational The pian. Sport., ana CVartie6 CONSTANCE EDITH BOYSEN When the American Field Service chose a group of students to spend the sum– mer abroad, Connie had the good for· tune to be one of them. Back home, she ang in Swing Sixteen, All-State Sectional, and Choir. Connie took part in girl • sports, intramural , Leaders' Club and Ski Club and served on the Hornets' est. BEVERLY ANN BROWN Tran £erred in her sophomore year, Bev was rno tly interested in the music organizations in school, although she wa elected to A.A. in her senior year. Bev sang in Choir for three years, Swing Sixteen for one year and was a member of Band for three years. CAROLE ANN BUTTO Following her musical inclination , Carole wa a member of Band for three years and sang in Girls' Choru . Be· side being a member of Library Club and Red Cro , he took part in both girls' ports and intramural for four )'ears and wa , in addition, a member of F.T.A.
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