Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
WILLIA f CHARLE FE 1 Bill earned hi block F-l\I a a member of the football , ba ketball, and golf team and wa elected to . . He had the di tinction of en•ing a both fr hmen and junior cia pre ident, wa a member of tudent Council and wa cho en for ational Honor o- ciety and Empire Boy ' tale. PETER DOHERTY FITZGERALD A port' enthu ia t, Pete earned hL block F-~1 through participation in hockey, golf and cro country. He wa a member of the enior Ways and Mean Committee and wa elected to tudent Council. He wa a! o active in Dramatic Club and intramural . Cf'o..,ter RICHARD HARRY FULMER Ble ~ed with an exceedingly intelligent mind; Dick i a benefit to any project he ha a hand in. He wa one of the few junior elected for the charter member hip in the Oak Chapter of the ational Honor Society. He was al o active in Junior Red Cro . EDWARD LIVING TON GALLINGER Ned tried out and became a member of Choir in hi fre hman year. He re– joined it a a junior and al o became a member of Boy ' Choru . In the meantime he didn't neglect port . He wa a member of the track team for three year . RUS ELL G. FUDGE JR. Tim, trea urer of hi junior cia and pre ident of hi senior cia wa active in football, ba ketball and ba eball. He wa elected to the A.A. and wa a member of the 'ational Honor o– ciety. He wa on the Yearbook taff and elected to Boy ' tale in his junior year. FR NCI J ME GlOCONDO JR. Frank' mu ica! activitie make quite a li t. three year member of choir, he wa elected for "Swing ixteen" in hi enior year. He al o ang in Boy ' Choro and played in the Band. Frank won hi block F-:\1 for ba ketball and track. He al o how outdoor port enthu ia m by member hip in the Hunt– ing and Fi hing Club. Frank erved a class trea urer in hi fre hman year. He erved on the Hornet ' 'e t taff in 1955-56.
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