Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

WILLIAM GUILD Bill' two enthu ia m have been port and mu ic. Jn the port department, Bill ha been a mainstay and out land· ing member of the football team. He al o went out for baseball and earned hi block F-~l. Bill wa a member of Boy Chorus and Choir, in the field of mu ic, and wa cho en to in~ in II· tate ectional . DEBORAH HARPER Deb has had an active intere t in the girl ' port program, participating in voll yball and ba eball. he wa a mem· ber of Leader Club and earned the block F-~l. he belonged to Choru and the Bowling Club. JAY RICHARD HERN Jay demon trated hi very active interest in mu ic by taking part in everal of the mu ic organization . A member of Band, Choir and Mixed Choru , he wa cho en for All-County and All· tate Band and All-County and All– tate Choir. A member of A. ., Jay wa al o vice-pre ident of National The pian and earned hi block F-:\1 in sports. CJ)uriH~ Student eounciL €LectioH6 NA CYAN HILL 'ance, tran ferred from Onondaga Val– ley Academy, wa ecretary of her jun· ior cla and vice-president of A.A. he took an active part in tudent Council and wa on the Hornet ' e t tafT. he wa active in lenni and other girl ports. Nance worked on the graduation committee and the Jun– ior Prom Committee. CONSTANCE MARTHA HU T Connie showed her intere t in ports by participating in Leader ' Club, by earn– ing her block F-1\f. Beside inging in Girl ' Choru and Mixed Choru 1 Connie wa a member of F.T.. for two year and in addition erved on the Hornet ' est tafT. ANCY LEE HU TLEY Tran ferred from Georgetown in her ophomore year, we learned that Nancy was intere ted in sport and mu ic by her participation in Girl ' port and Girl 1 horu . member of Rifle Club for two year , he wa elected to Red Cro Club and erved in the chool Library Club.