Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
LOUISE KATHRYN McENENY Louise had diver ified intere t in high school. She was active in the newly formed Future Nur e' A ociation, and Ski Club. Participating in girl ' port and Leaders Club, he earned her block F-M. Loui e was elected to erve a secretary of Camera Club. MICHAEL ARNOLD MILAN Mike was transferred from Roosevelt Junior High School in 1953. He joined the Band and was a member of Radio Club for two years. CHARLES M. MEEDS In his senior year, Charles transferred from Ea twood High School where he was a participant in Choru . He wa also on the staff of the chool paper and editor of its junior department during hi fre hman year. MARGARET ETHEL MOORE Peggy used her interest in teaching as secretary of F.T.A. in her senior year. She had the honor of being chosen for National Honor Society in her junior year and further demonstrated her lead– ership in Leaders' Club. Sportsminded, Peggy earned her block F-M through participation in girls' sports, taking part in most of the sports in that pro· gram. RICHARD DONALD METZ Dick bowed an intere t in port when he joined the football and hockey teams in his ophomore year. He was kept bu y in a local drug tore where he was employed. ROSEMARY VIOLET MOORE That Rosie has a wide variety of in· terests is illustrated by her participation in girls' sports, for which he earned her block F-M, her position on the Hornets' Nest Staff and her member hip in Ceramics Club. She also took part in intramural sports for four years, and was a member of Leaders Club.
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