Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

ANN PAIGE ROESGEN Her active participation in many of the girls' sports, her earning of the girls' block F.M. and membership in Ski Club show Ann's interest in sports. She joined F.T.A. and served as year– book Busine Manager. Ann has been a member of Girl ' Chorus for four year and erved on the graduation committee. DONNA MARIE ROWE Donna earned her Block F.M. through her participation in girls' sports and intramurals. She also took an active part in Modern Dance Club and sang in both Mixed Chorus and Girls' Chorus. LANNY ROBERT SCHAEFER Lanny's interest in cars absorbed most of his time throughout high school as he worked in a gas station for three years. This left him little time for anything else but studies. anJ ~eaJ tlte Scltool PATRICIA ANN SCHAI Pat's interest in sport is shown by the number of girls' sports she has taken part in, as well as her participation in intramurals, and membership in Ski Club. She served on Student Council and on the staffs of both the Hornets' est and Oak Leaves. Mixed Chorus and Girls' Chorus have also counted on her active membership. REGINA ANNA SCHNEIDER Gina concentrated ably on serving on the Oak Leaves staff in many ca· pacities in her senior year. For four years she was a participant in several of the girls' sports and earned the block F-M. Gina was also active in Stu– dent Council and showed her musical inclination by singing in Chorus, Mixed Chorus and Choir. HELEN JO SHANGLE Helen Jo earned her block F·M through participation in girls' sports, and was also a member of Rifle Club. In the music field she joined both Band and Choir. A member of F.T.A. she was also on the Oak Leaves Staff.