Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

THOMAS VINCENT WASHO Tom' record shows a wide \'ariety of activitie . In athletic , he played four year of ba ketball and wa a member of the track team for three years. Tom has won hi blork F-M in the e sports. In school government he served on the student council in his freshman year. Intere ted in teaching, he wa a member of Future Teachers in hi enior year while al o part of Junior Red Cros . CAROL DIANE TRIVELPIECE Carol wa a cheerleader for four years, recording secretary of Student Council, a member of the A.A. and Block F-M. She was recording secretary of Ski Club. Carol was also feature editor of the Hornets' e t and vice president of Junior Red Cro in her junior year. Carol participated in girl ' sport , Girl ' Chorus and wa a member of Dramatics Club. GEORGE UPRIGHT George has had a great intere t in music. Thi has been demon !rated by hi member hip in Choir, Mixed Chorus and Boys' Choru . JUDITH CAROL WASSEL Bu y working on the Oak Leaves Staff a both as istant editor and copy editor, and member of the Yearbook Commit· tee, Judy al o took part in girls' sport . Elected to Red Cross Club, she was one of nine juniors chosen for National Honor Society. Judy was a member of Art Club and was active in Girl ' Chorus. :MARY PATRICIA WYLIE Since her goal i teaching, Mary be· came a member of F.T.A. She also sang in Girls' Chorus and participated in girl ' sport . A member of Natural Hi tory Club and Modern Dance Club, 1ary was al o on the tali of Oak Leave in her senior year. PAUL MANN YEAKEL Paul's greatest enthusiam ha been for sport . He earned his Block F·M and was an out tanding member of the foot– ball, ba ketball, and golf teams. Paul wa elected twice to Student Council, and was chosen for A.A. member hip. He also served on the Hornet ' Nest, and sang in Choir and Swing Sixteen. JUDITH GAIL WOODWORTH Judy was an enthu ia tic member of the girls' sports program , taking part in nearly all the sports offered. She al o joined Rifle Club and demon· trated her ver atility by becoming a pioneer member of Ceramics Club and Girl ' Chorus.