Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
Cf'atron6 The taff o£ the 1956 "Oak Leave " would like to thank everyone who contributed so generou ly to thi yearbook, making a bigger and better book po ible. \lr. and .\[r . harle Allen Dr. C. 0. And r on \lr. and \[r . C. \1. A hley \tr. and '\lr . George Bahouth \lr. and \1r . John C. Bai ter Dr. Elmore B. Baker Dr. Ho"ard Beacham \[r. and \Irs. Carl Bjork .\lr. and \1r . John W. Bligh \lr. and 1\lr . William Boysen \[r. and .\lr . Lewi C. Brown \lr. and \[r . Gilbert Button \lr. and \lr . Herbert Carl on Dr. and :\lr . Leonard D. Carpenter \[an in . Ci ler .\.lr. and :\Ir . Walter Cleland Friend .\lr. and \[r . Cyril Con-way \1r. and \Irs. Alton B. Cook .\lr . Rob rt . ook Jack W. ottrell Mr. and .\lr.. Todd Coward l\Ir. and l\Ir . harle Craver .\[r . Dorothea ronk \[r. and \[r . Tom Davis \lr. and Mr . . B. Dickey \[r . nna Doubleday .\lr. and lr . R. . Downe .\[r. and \[r . Richard Dudley lr. and .\[r . urti Eaton Mr. and fr . Robert E. Eell The Everly \1r. and .\1r . J. B. Farn worth F. .\L High chool P. T. A. F. \l. Jr. Hi~h chool P. T. A. F. I. H. . Teacher A ociation Mr. and Mr . Byron Fellows lr. and l\Irs. Charles V. Fenn Friend Ir. and .\Irs. E. ]. FitzGerald h. and .\lr . Ru el G. Fudge Mr. and 1rs. Ollie Fulmer ]. P. Gei , 1.D. lr. and fr . Frank Giocando Dr. A. Kenneth Golden, M.D. lr. and .\.1rs. John C. Goodfellow Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gordon Mr. and Mr . Robert A. Harper Mr. and :\1r . Kenneth Hern \ir. and frs. Howard L. Hill Mr. and 1r . John A. Hunt .\lr. and 1r . Walter J. Hyla \lr. and Mr . M. ] . Kane Dr. Thur-ton Ke e and Dr Leonard arpenter \fr. and 1r . Daniel Kelly .\fr . W. Kirkwood Mr. and Mr . Alex Kozikow ki Mr. and .\fr . Frank C. Kuracina tr. and \{r . E. D. LaMontagne Mr. and Mr . Chari V. Lane fr. Howard Langford 1r. and Mr . B. ]. Lawler fr. and fr . Michael Lennon Mr. and Mr . George A. Lewis .\fr. and Mr . J. B. Link Lion Club of Fayetteville Lion Club of Manlius .\.fr. and frs. George T. Long Mr. and Mr . Eugene . Lord fr. and Mrs. Keith C. Martineau Mr. and 1\'lrs. Charle W. Ma on Mr. and Mr . Robert J. 1cDonald .\fr. and Mr . E. ]. fcEneny .\lr. Walter L. Meagher .\lr. and fr . Robert Meeds George and Barbara Milan Mr. and 1r . Charle P. .\loore .\1 r. and Mr . Donald Nimmo \1r. and 1\fr . Merlin Pollock .\1r. and .\lr . F. P. Reagan .\1r. and Mrs. Reibel .\1r. and \1r . Howard Richer h. and Mrs. David W. Roberts Rockacre Farm lr. and lr . Paul Roesgen Mr. and Mr . nson L. Rowe Or. John Rowlin~ on '\lr. and .\fr_. J. H. chaefer .\lr. and Mr . Arthur . Schai .\lr. and Mr . Karl chneider .\lr. and Mrs. William Shangle \fr. and \1r . Ray mith .\1r. and Mr . . K. Snyder lr. and 1r . Herbert . Soper .\.[r. and Mr . Henry taniec Jo eph C. tanton Mr. and Mr . C. tillman A Friend Mr. and Mr . R. 0. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trivelpiece .\lr. and .\.Ir . C. W. Upright Raymond VanGie_en i\1r. and \•[rs. Andrew J. Wa ho Mr. and Mrs. John Wa el 1r. and Mr . Jame 1. Woodworth 1r . folly Wylie 1r. and Ir . Paul H. Yeakel Bahouth' hoe Bakers of unbeam Bread Bert E. Baldwin L. G. Balfour Company Beacon Grain Store Beattie' I. G. A. Blaich' Paint Bucket Leon Carpenter Bob Ca ey's Inn Brickyard Falls Quarry Brignall' Paul F. Bros u Brown-Lewis Jeweler 3-C-Cary' Cry tal Clear Honey avalry Club ecil and Paul' Service Cerone' Hou e o£ Quality hamber or Commerce Chapman Gas Company . heney and Son Cherry Hou e David Collin Real Estate Conlon-Farn worth ook' Dairy Bar and Coffee hop Culligan oft Water Service Dad y and fcGraw, Inc. Dairylea Milk and Ice Cream Devoy' Televi ion Service Dewitt Cleaner Dewitt Floors Inc. Dewitt Liquor Shop Earl' Sample Shoe Eaton and Tubbs E. W. Edwards & Son Ellen' hoppe Walter Ern t Insurance Expre Garage Famou Arti t Farnham' Texaco Station Fayetteville Diner Fayetteville Firemen' A sociation Fayetteville Firemen's Auxilliary Fayetteville Inn Fayetteville Pharmacy Fayetteville Village Sales Gate Home tead Farms Gay' Dairy Gifford Pharmacy Gingold' Jack Gordon' Tobacco Co. HolT-Man Whole ale Confectionary Kinney hoe Store Parker Gladden Donald W. Goode, In urance Harry Goodfellow Don Gray' ervice tation Hale Lumber Co., Inc. The Hou e of Tool Indian Hill Grocery The Inglis Company Jerry Kennedy In urance Kin ella Coal Co. Lawler Drug Co. Leader's hoe Store Loblaw , Inc. Mac-Law Tool and Aircraft Manlius Auto Supply Manliu Beauty Lounge Manliu Chapter 'o. 493 of Eastern Star Manliu Lodge 764 D.O.O.F. Manliu Publishing Corp. The Manliu School Marine Midland Tru t Iarx Jewelry Store Mason' Department Store Matt' Gulf Service Mcintyre Bro . Paper Co., Inc. J. L. Meagher The Merchants National Bank Mid tate Telephone Co. Neveldine's Grocery orton Hardware Owen , Flori t Parker' Peony Farm Pearl's Beauty Shop Peter's Ice Cream Bar Potter Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Powel on Institute Preci ion Casting Co. Ran ier Drug Co. Redwing Construction Co. Robert's Chez Arnie Coiffures A. F. Ryan & Sons, Inc. Snook' Pond chneider Bakery mith & Caffrey Steel Co. . T. mith Red & White Store John Spina's Barber Shop Slater the Tailor Stanton's L. & J. G. Stickley, Inc. toke's Re taurant tone Machinery Co. Swan Pond Snackery Swan Restaurant Tily Dairy Tony's Re taurant B. H. Tracy & Sons, Inc. Varden Studio Village Spa Waldman' Department Store Weber's Department Store Robert S. Weekes, Flori !-Fayetteville Robert S. Weekes, Florist-Manlius Wheeler's Restaurant Dan Wright's Mill Your Village Cleaners (79]
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