Liverpool High School 1962 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

JO-ANNE VEITH "Jo" Air Force Girls' Sports, Basketball, Vol– leyball, Soccer, Softball, Field Hockey; FTA; Bowling. DOUGLAS W. WALKER "Doug" Forestry Soccer; Gymnastics Sectional Champion; Track; Manager of School Store; Student Council; Choraleers; Chess Club; NHS, President; Washington Club; Boys' State Senator; JESSI, Jr. Eng. and Scientist Institute, (Clarkson); Citizenship Day Representative (Syracuse); Ski Club. LESLIE ANNE VAN DERVEER "Princess" Executive Secretary FTA; Yearbook 11; Bowling; Washington Club. CHRISTINE WASICKO 11 Tina" Nursing Chorus; FTA; Red Cross; Wash– ington Club. JANE VAN LENGEN College FTA-President; GAA-Treasurer; NHS; Yearbook 11; Bowling; G1rls' Sports, Archery, Basket– ball, Softball, Soccer, Volleyball; Washington Club; Teens for Nixon. MARY WEED College Chorus; Library Club; Red Cross; French Club. LOREN VINAL ''Larry" College Football; Baseball; Golf. RONALD WALTER "Red" Teaching FTA; NHS; Morning Missions; Math Club; Chess Club; Wash· ington Club; Bowling; Golf, Tennis; Soccer; Gymnastics; Sk1 Club.