Liverpool High School 1962 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

"Walk together Talk together Oh Ye People of this Earth. Then and only then Shall Ye have Peace." EVA MARIA FIEDLER Eisenstadt Haydngasse 45 Burgenland Austria Being a part of Liverpool High School this year has given me a deeper meaning of the truth expressed in the American Field Service motto. Peace exists among people only when there is understanding. There Is no better way of understanding people of a foreign country than living among them. I shall be eternally grateful to all of you for cooperating with A.F.S. to give me the opportunity to attend Liverpool High School this year. Every student and teacher has helped me to feel at home here. From the beginning I have felt like a part of you and not as a guest. l.H.S. is a wonderful school! As I return home, I shall not be leaving you. A part of each one of you will be going with me. I shall be looking forward to some of you and my family, the Childs, visiting me in Austria. Until then, "Auf Wiederseh'n !" E R R c H R I T M s