Liverpool High School 1962 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
52 SENIOR PROPHECY We've had enough of earthly things; There's no place else to go, Except, of course, to Mars or Moon. On cloud number 7, let's meet there soon! We've blasted off from Earth, so here we go With engineers Blasland, C. Brown, Norris, and Fesko. Our ship's in orbit so we'll not cower; We'll send back news by Townsend and Willauer. The brilliant scientist, named Wayne Byard To head this expedition has hired College grads Ayers, Speach, Weed, Prosser, and Boise, Along with Hartwell and W. West, he's our choice. Astronauts waiting at Canaveral for us Are Gardner, McCabe, Parsons, Rice, R. Rose, and Morris. To help the pilots get ready to go Are soldiers Fellows, Lathrop, Getz, and Palumbo. Out on the ocean to bring them back first, Are sailors Bahn, Daniels, Reichert, Moreth, and Hurst. If we peek at the crew working below, We see Cyphers, Staffa, Ellis, Strode!, and Demo. On planets Venus, Mars, and Pluto Are colonists Meloling, Lightner, and Greco. Problems of construction they'll dismiss To contractor Long and electricians, Duke and Jarvis. As we gaze upon the continents below, We know the gospel's being preached by Gibson, D. Ritter, Mills, and Snow. Humanity will not suffer 'tis a cinch, With nurses, Rech, Bishop. Eddy, and Lynch. Surely no one will be sighing With Wasicko, Mielnicki, N. Lasher, and J. O'Brien. Dr. Albrigo will win renown With secretaries Marcoccia, Stringham, and L. Brown. While Dentist Tanner drills like a machinist, M. Cawley assists as his dental hygienist. T. Kennedy's Peace Corps never falters With teachers, Chase, Cornish, Cottrell, and Walters. Restless natives shout, dance, chant, and clap, For helpers Harder, Hull, P. Jackson, Kandra, and Paap. United States can be proud, and happy as well, With learned foresters Walker and Rozelle. We'll send to "Pottsylvania," K. Holmes, and biologist Hensen To meet with linguists Colvig, Fiedler, and Jensen. To give backward countries some added zip, We find social worker Janet P. and politician Kip. Accomplishments are lasting and final With college experts, Stapelton, Guancial, Sawran, and Vinal. When traveling abroad you won't see a frown If you meet "stewards" Caulkins, Plummer, and C. Brown. Challenging the seas so wavy Are Holmes and Rathburn of the Navy. Inside the tech schools we may see D. Jackson, C. Lueck, Lathrop, and Linda Lee. Henning, Roshia, and J. Ritter are fine technicians to be sure Along with drafters J. O'Brien and Duerr. Salesman Graham will peddle his best To housewives Mannise, Murdick, and M. West; And firms sell their products through Dafoe To happy homemakers Marcus and Caiello.
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