Liverpool High School 1962 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

The building racket is in a brew With architects Phelps, Edwards, and Schamu. Their bookkeepers Kohutanich, Van Derveer, and Massaro Can't balance the ledgers, much to our sorrow. Kennedy's fitness program is no phony With Phys. Ed. teachers Peck and Dohne. College teams will have to fight For athletes Melfi, Proctor, Bachman, and White. Rita Stoddard's the accountant on a dairy farm, While manager Sargeant keeps the cows from harm. Since the chicken's eggs are super-duper, There's much counting work for Gleeson, Green, Guinta, and Hooper. In the C.P.A. office with Leonard and Langdon, Are bookkeepers Howard, Levitsky, Lewis, and Robertson. Moods of the firm will strike a new pose, With Lorber, Lucarelli, McCarthy, Muser, and F. Rose. Legal secretaries Tirrell and Getter work well With the aid of Piorkowski, Rosenow, and Pickerell. Keeping their records while at home, Are Sobotka, Stalsonberg, and Diane Strom. International beauties will be ready to dine, After seeing their stylists Cadora, Chisholm, Collins, and Stein. Beauticians Gates, Harrison, Sciaccia, Scuderi, and Texido, Copy the beauty of senoritas from Mexico. Creating coiffeurs simply outlandish Are Pollastro, Dave Griffin, Secreti, and Standish. WAF Joanne Veith, front and center Surrounded by Orcutt, Peta, Stanton, Taylor, and Penner. While business leaders Frayer, Gates, M. Terrill, and Foraker Discuss profits on a train driven by B. Baker, Career women Brinson, DiCiano, and Dudley Spend their vacations in sunny Italy. At the U.S. Embassy in industrious Sweden Are college-trained Karcher, Schiedler, and Van Lengen. Under the shady palms in lovely Morocco, Gathering dates are the two Johns, Bernardini and Rafalko. Sitting with pride on the local school board, Are Brindisi, Juliano, Morgan, and Bickford. Aided by Liberal Arts majors D. Luke and Kathy L. They are sure to do quite well. Commercial artists D. Brown and N. Tassone of Paree Work with painters Yorton, H. Taylor, Estes, and Ainslie. Interior decorator Wynn has found fame. Photographer Snediker, too, has this claim. Working the shift from seven to three, We find Spears and Carl Tomi. Ball player Howie Mann breaks records all summer, While scores are reported by our Bill Plummer. Stories of exploration have all hit the mark, Right from the sharp pencil of Pat Clark. Pondering profound thoughts of philosophy, We find our old chess player, Frank C. Recovered and return to old L.H.S. History records, Class of '62 was the Best! "The Martians" 53