Liverpool High School 1962 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT We, Greatest of the "Worldly People," lest the Juniors and Seniors hear the beat of the TWIST simultaneously and jar EARTH out of orbit before our fade-out with happy memories, do abrogate, rescind, and swear this to be our last will and testament. I, Carol Ainslie, being of exhausted mind, leave to my favorite sister, Donna, my favorite "lab" apron (with acid stains) given to me by my very favorite person. I, John Albrigo, leave to Paul Granato my very limited ability to play music as writ1en and, as an undeserved bonus, my chair in Concert Band which, needless to say, has absorbed many sour notes! I, Chuck Ayres, hoping to graduate, leave to the Juniors my prayers for a successful senior year. I, Ed Backman, being of sound mind, I think, leave my football locker to Tony Sciacca, if he should ever go out for football. I, Jack Bahn, leave to my sisters, Mary and Pat, the hope that they do better in high school than I did. I, Robert Baker, leave to Paul Zemenz everything I have owned in LHS-Nothing. I, John Joseph Bernardini, leave my headaches. BYE! I, Harlow Bickford, leave to the posterity of LHS, extreme sympathy for those taking 12th grade academic English. I, Betsy Bishop, leave my pride, to the future prospects for Mr. T's English Class. I, Gary Black, leave my muscle building course to Warren Brown. I, Warren Blasland, of sound mind and body, do hereby leave to Cliff lambs my bow and arrow in hopes he will faithfully carry on the work of the S.A.l. I, Robert Bohner, leave my seat and my lunch tray. I, Peggy Boise, leave to my baby brother, Dick, the best of luck in his last two years. I, Phil Brindisi, with tormented state of mind, leave to Joe Toscano my crutches if he should ever dislocate his toes. I, Linda Brinson, being of stong body and even stronger mind leave to my cousin, Peter Flower, my favorite seat in English. I, Carol Brown, leave to everybody in Student Council the will to do a darn good job. I, Charles Brown, leave my ability to get rich to the Poor. I, Donna M. Brown, leave to Mrs. Catherine Slavin all my high school English files and to Mr. William Legg the remaining newts, plants and frogs. (Beneficiaries must claim within five years.) We, linda Browll and Joseph long, leave the privilege of holding hands to any couple who wants broken arms. I, Carolyn Busco, leave my dusty locker to some lucky person from Junior High School. I, Corydon Byard, leave my sophomore girl friends to the Junior Class. I, Wayne Byard, leave the request for decent clothes when I am buried. I, Mary Cadora, being of hard head and solid body leave to my little sister, Fran Torillo, my front row seats. I, Georgia Caiello, being of small mind and even smaller body leave to Sue Toscano and Jackie my ability to do nothing with everything. I. Nancy Cariseo, leave to Sue Davies my blond locks and happiness. I, Frank Carleo (the sick one) leave against my will, my unique ability to lose popular elections to Bobby Borrelo in hopes he will not be plagued by it. I, Karen Caulkins, being of weak mind and weaker body leave to Jackie Agoliatis the "Old Oak Tree." I, Mary Pat Cawley, leave my warm, friendly, cooperative dispo– sition to Marty lynch. To Sharon Therre, I relinquish my ability to outrun, outswim, and outski the champ of Millsite lake. He, is all yours, Friend I I, Gary Chase, leave to my brother and friends the problems of gelling to school activities. I, Marcia Chisholm, of weak mind, even weaker body, leave to everybody nothing because I have nothing to leave. I, Pat Clark, leave to any deserving Junior girl, my ability to get along with drum players. I, Mary Ann Collins, being of little mind but larger body leave to my sister, Charlene, my ability to gel out of any given situation. I, Martha Colvig, leave to the IF exchange students, the good-will and friendship of Latin America, and my hope that their ambassador– ship will strengthen relations among our countries. I, Anne Cornish, being of little mind, leave to Pat Sparrow my seat in chemistry. I, Sarah Cottrell, being of comparatively weak mind and body, leave to John Hammond my ability to forget where I put my books. I, Tom Cyphers, being of weak mind and weaker body, do hereby leave anything to anybody who needs it. I, Robert Dafoe, leave to Carm Capria, my thirst for knowledge of American history. I, John Daniel, being of fickle mind and flat feet, do hereby leave my place as fill-in soloist in school concerts to anyone who has a fickle mind and flat feet. I, Alan Demo, leave my teachers, my books, and my school to the mercy of the Juniors and Seniors. I, Loretta Di Ciano, being of sound mind and body? hereby leave my ability to get myself into and out? of all types of impossible situations to Carolyn Charles. I, Karen Dehne, bequeath to Sharon Bohner (Mutt) my ability to leave the Girls' Physical Education Office in an uproar. I, Barbara Dudley, leave to my brother Bernard my old locker. I, Pete Duerr, leave to my brother my warmup jacket. I, David Duke, leave to James Stewart my ability to do push-ups. I, Sandra Eddy, being one of two girls in math class, leave my place to any girl liking it. I, Robert Ellis, do hereby leave my great love for school????? I, Gary Estes, leave my thoughts and guidance counseling to Karen Stanton. I, Terrence Edwards, leave to Room 318 a private water fountain. I, Richard Fellows, leave John Buschek, the empty pizza box, the forty cents, and all my back assignments. I, Don Fesko, being of sound body and too much height, leave Bruce Plopper two feet to grow on. I, Evi Fiedl~r, leave the wonderful experience of being in liverpool High School to the next AFS student. My little mouse "Squeaky" I leave to Mr. Metzger. I, Bob Foraker, leave one unused towel. I, Ellie Frayer, being of slim body and even slimmer mind, leave to any lucky Junior my ability to get along with Mr. Austin. I, John Gardner, being of a sound mind, I think, leave my gym and class lockers to Bob and Carol. I, Claude Gary, leave to anyone, anything he wants from Liverpool Senior High School. I, Phyllis Ann Gary, leave to my brothers and sisters everything that goes with school. Good luck! I, Peg Gates, hereby leave to Sharon Henry my reserved place in front of the mirror handed down to me by Kay Schumacher received from Joan Cerep. I, Martha Gates, being of weak body and mind, leave my ability to laugh at Mrs. Murray's jokes. I, Dawnne Getter, leave my ability to tower over EVERYONE to my brother, Wayne. I, Franklin Getz, leave the wish that the track team will win once. I, Jim Gibson, hereby leave Bev Stevens to the "Boys from liver– pool." I, Sharon Gillard, being of strong body and weak mind leave to my brother Tom, all my excess height which he desperately needs. I, Gail Gleeson, leave all of Hickory Street to Pat Wiegand for all Washington Club Projects. I, John Graham, leave to Dick O'Brien my lockers. I, Charles Anthony Greco, finally leaving these hallowed walls, give THANKS to all who helped me accomplish this feat. I, Gloria Green, leave Liverpool High School to my sister Pat. I, Bob Green, being of neither sound mind nor body leave to Don Green, the pegged pants left to me by Ron Green-left him by Jerry Green. I, David Griffin, leave to N. Shillo and B. Vanderwellen th~ advice -"Have as much fun in school as I have had without being caught!" I, Bob Guancial, being of sound body and sad mental state, just leave. I, Norma Guinta, leave to my friends a wonderful Senior year. 57