Liverpool High School 1962 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

I, Stew Hanford, leave my ability to be last to hand in informa· lion for the "Hiawathan." I, Harriet Harder, leave my Shaker High School sweatshirt to Judy Harrison. I, Bonnie Harrison, being so athletically minded and inclined, leave to Bonnie Milius my gym locker and Mrs. Swartz's blessing. I, Rus Hartwell, leave to my brother Phil my ability to have fun with everyone. I, AI Henning, not being sure this is my last will, hereby decline to state my last testament. I, Cornelius Hensen, leave my ability to join a Proud graduating class. I, Jim Holmes, having a shrunken mind and larger body leave to "Fuzzy" my hair before the Navy gels it. I, Karen Holmes, leave to my brother, Don, the school and best of luck. I, Kathy Hooper, leave to my sister Pat, the ability to graduate from high school. I, Betsy Howard, leave nothing because I got nothing. I, Sharon Hull, having a confused mind, but much spirit, leave to any Junior my ability to join too many clubs and still unsuspectingly keep up with them all. I, Bill Hurst, leave to Gloria Pooler a private hall locker, which is hers anyway. I, Don Jackson, being of unsound mind leave my gym locker to John. I, Pat Jackson, being of a greedy, grasping and egotistic nature, leave nothing to posterity-let it fend for itself! I, Harry Jarvis, leave to Rosanne Dalessandro an unused set of encyclopedias. I, Cheryl Jensen, leave Liverpool with happy memories and another Jensen to mess things up. I, Thomas Jensen, do will and bequeath my ability to stay out of mischief to anyone who can find it. I, Kip Johnston, leave to any Junior, my ability to put my foot in my mouth every time I open it. I, Carol Juliano, being of sound body but questionable mind, leave to my brother Steve, my ability to get caught in the halls without a pass, and talk my way out of the situation. I, Kathleen Karcher, being of unstable mind, leave to any asp1rmg Junior girl the privilege of being the only girl in one of Mr. Metzger's Math 12 classes. I, Gary Kellog, request that anything left be hocked or given away. I, Tom Kennedy, leave nothing to nobody, because I have nuttin' to give no'un. I, Charles Kisselstein, leave my enthusiasm to cooperate to next year's Yearbook staff. I, Linda Kohutanich, leave my sister to the mercy of the teachers hoping they can put up with her. I, Elaine Kondra, do hereby bequeath: to Donna, all my innocence and shyness; to sister, Carol, as much happiness in her three years at Liverpool as I've had in my one. I, David La Graffe, hereby leave my grass-stained gym shorts to some poverty-stricken boy. I, John langdon, leave 12th grade English to George Boak, if he makes eleventh. I, Norma lasher, leave to "Irma" my ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I, Lyle Lathrop, leave this grand school with no regrets. I, Mel lathrop, leave my place for someone else. I, linda lee, leave my field hockey stick and shin guards to Chris Buckler. I, Raymond Leonard, leave to my sister my love for English when, "if ever" she reaches 12th. I, Kathy letterman, being of grande body and petite mind, leave to my sister Donna, my worn-out ability to get from one end of the school to the other in three minutes. I, Hilda Levitsky, being of weak mind and withered body leave to my sister Barb, the.-pleasure of my three favorite English teachers. ( Ha, Ha, Ha.) I, Diana Lewis, leave the vitamin pills left from Gert Peukert, to Sunny Schade, to Marilou Schade, to Sandy Pineo, to Me, to next 58 year's cheerleading captain in hopes they do her more good than they did me. I, Herb Lightner, leave to Bob Simpson, my ability for being late to class, and getting away with it. I, Joe Long, leave with the wish to change LL.B. to l.L.L. I, Pat Lorber, being of slim mind and even slimmer body leave to the school many fond and cherished memories of me-and now, can I leave? Please! I, Mary Ann Lucarelli, leave Liverpool with pleasant memories and a hopeful future. I, Carl Lueck, leave to Washington Club members my ability to pay debts. I, Dan Luke, leave to the next President of Student Council my ability to speak without hanging on the mike! I, Carol Luzzi, leave my school spirit to my sister, Jean. I, Marge Lyn~h, bequeath my unique dexterity in Chemistry Lab to any Junior handy with a mop. · I, Howie Mann, leave to the Baseball Team a big gap between 2nd and 3rd base easily covered by my sister. I, Rose Mannise, leave to Jackie Poirer my ability to flirt in-between classes and not be late. I, Martha Marcoccia, give my ability to wear short skirts in Amer· ican history class to Linda Rathburn and Sue Peggs. I, Ellie Marcus, being of sound mind and body, I hope, leave my ability to go to the village each day. I, lynne Massaro, being of small body, leave to Carolyn Charles my ability to get around some of the teachers. 1, Tom McCabe, being of sound mind, I think, leave my seat in library to Ron Dittmar. I, Sharon McCarthy, leave to Donna Rich my nervy attitude. I, Joe Melfi, leave Mrs. Slavin to my brother Vita.. I, Myron Meloling, leave to Rick Chase my seat i'n Mechanical. I, Justine (Tina) Mielnicki, leave to my sister Liz my gym locker which doesn't open. I, Jim (Pouncer) Moreth, leave to Jackie my old worn-out church key. I, Bill Mills, leave my fellow schoolmates good luck and happiness. I, Marion Morgan, leave to United States the inspiration for pro– moting peace. I, Jerry Morris, leave to "Mary" Metcalf my ability to goof-off during football practice. I, Shirley Murdick, being of weak mind and stout body, leave my favorite math teacher, Mr. Branson, to my sister Marny, in hopes she can "brown-nose" as well as I did. I, Barbara Muser, being of tremendous body and questionable mind, do h~reby leave to Donna Kreitner all my happy memories of LHS because I'm going into the wide, wide world alone. I, Terry Norris, leave to anyone who wants it, my tendency toward procrastination. I, Joanne O'Brien, being of sound mind and strong will leave Mau· reen O'Brien, Pat Petit, Donna Rich and Jean Matoba an empty space to stare at during lunch. I, Jack O'Brien, being of sound mind and strong body, leave Paul Granato my football pants hoping he can fill them as well as I did. I, Roger Orcutt, leave to Harold Bernardi my front row seat. I, Ulle Paap, being UNsound and INsane, bequeath to Dick Boise my ability to find "bombs" in my locker. I, Mike Palumbo, leave to anyone my guitar playing ability. I, Robert Parsons, leave to Jerry Lindberg my unique ability to drive with care. I, Elaine Peck, leave my deepest Thanks to Miss Abar and Mr1. Swartz and the gang in GAA for the great times we've had together; and to my sister Phyllis I leave my love for Girls' Athletics. I, Keith Penner, leave Miss Meek all the strategy I've learned in wrestling. I, Jim Peta, leave to Jerry Metcalf my bruises to enable him to have light football practice. I, Allen Phelps, being of little mind and body leave my height to Linda Rathburn. I, Doris Pickerell, being of indefinite mind and weak body do here· by bequeath all the fun with sweet Mr. Bruce to Carol leonard. Antagonize him as I did, Carol!