Liverpool High School 1962 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

EKS 4. A.F.S. Assembly A.F.S. applications available 5. Basketball Liverpool at F.-M. Gymnastics Fabius at Liverpool 11 . More Yearbook pictures 12. Ba · e ool @ Skaneateles 15. Guidance and Washing on Meetings 19. Basketball Liverpool @ W. Genesee Gymnastics Auburn @ Liverpool 22-26. Mid-year Exams and Regents 25. Basketball N. Syracuse @ Liverpool QUIET DAY! 26. Half Day Teacher Workshop Gymnastics Liverpool @ Syracuse "Rues de Paris" Junior Prom Locker clean out --- 30. Report Cards 31. Parent Visitation FEBRUARY 2. "Delicatessen Assembly" Onon. County Community College Surv Basketbaii- J-D @ Liverpool Gymnastics @ Baldwinsville ---o.-~,OQ..Salesmen at Persian Terrace Gymnas 1 Onondaga Valley 9. Basketball Solvay ·verpool Wrestling @ Marcellus 12. Lincoln's Birthday Regular C sse Wrestling @ E. Syracuse 13. FTA 15. 16. vs. On. Valley@ N. Sy ncert 16. Half Day Teach r Workshop CIENCE FAIR 19. Gu1 ce C! ss Meetings 22. Student D y 27. FTA 30. Senio Play "The Thread at Runs So True" APRIL Marionettes" Assembly Cheerleading Try-out practice 3~. Basl;'b I, Tennis, Track, Golf Physicals 0. Report Car and FTA 12. Parent Visitors · ht 13. Guidance Field Trip 16. Class Meetings 17. Cheerleading Try-outs 18. Locker Cleanup 19. Easter Vacation Starts 20. Buses leave for Washington, D. C. 30. Classes Resume MAY JV Baseball Liverpool @ Marcellus Varsity Liverpool @ West Genesee 1. Student uncil Petitions Available Armed Ser · es Orientation 4. Petitions due COUNTRY FAIR 8. Conventions 9. Campa igning 10. Campaign Assembly an oting 11. Senior Baii"Bows, ughs, nd Beaus" Spring Conce ussian ner Period Guidance Meetin s 6. Awards Ban uet 8. Moving-up Day 14. Flag Day School Exams 18-22. Regents Examina ons 21. Rehearsal for gradua 'on 22. GRADUATION@ Wa emorial 25. Report Cards 77