Liverpool High School 1962 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

Last year the Liverpool squad beat Minoa 11-0 in the final match of the season for the champion– ship in the county AB di– vision. The Lancers' 11 points were made by Ed Bachman, first baseman, Howie Mann, shortstop, Jerry Metcalf, catcher; Joe Melfi, outfielder. Jan Fetterly, the pitcher, was a great aid in the win . FIRST ROW: H. Nash, T. Magnanti, R. Klein, W. Hollenbeck, B. Stapleton, J. O'Brien, T. McCabe. STANDING: D. Gorman, D. Sutton, J. Buck, T. Gillard, J. Schilling, E. Rozelle, P. Granato, S. Carulli, Coach Smith.