Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

PEP FESTS OF 1960-61 WELCOME CHEER Hi there (opponent)! How do you do? Your team looks swell, and so do you. We're all ready, Let the game begin, Play it fair; Play it square May the best team win! CLAP YOUR HANDS Clap your hands, (clap, clap, clap) Stamp your feet, (stamp, stamp, stamp) Liverpool JV's (Clap, stamp) can't be beat! SHOUT ROAR We've got to shout We've got to roar to make the boys Pull up that score. We've got to shout We've got to roar to make the boys Pull up that score LOCOMOTIVE Locomotive, locomotive Steam, steam, steam Have we gotta Yes we gotta Team, Team, Team!