Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

Mary Heid John Kaar Virginia Konski Gretchen Landrrs William Legg Our Staff E perience-516 Years 1ARY HEID- B , ) racuse niver ity teacher of Eng– li.h 10 -~ponsors morning missions and i member of social committee--hobby i travel. JOH KAAR- B , Y Teacher College, Albany; graduate work, Syracu e Lni\er«it) - teacher of ph) ic , chemi try, biology, health, and grneral cience co- pon or of junior cia and i– ence Fair; member of 'i itor' committee--member of NY TA- summer work for 'ational cience Founda– tion intere ted in photography. VIRGI lA KO KI 8 , Wil<:on Teacher<: College; '1A, George Washington Lni,ersit); and 'I , Ed.D., Uni\er ity of l\ti souri– work on student reading impro,ement, and curriculum planning and building- co- pon or of sophomore cia s, American Legion peech conte t and member of building cabinet member of P i Chi, Pi Lambda Theta, AA W formerly Lt. (sr. gr.) in WAVE pend summer 'acationing \\ ith husband and children- intere ted in pia} ·\Hiting for TV. GRETCHE LA DER - B , Y Teacher College, Alban} - teacher of shorthand, book– keeping. and machine tran. cription- in charge of school store; co- pon or of tudent council and member of build– ing cabinet- member of YSTA, BTA, EBA, and Phi Delta. WILLIA:\1 LEGG-AB, Hamilton College; M Ed., ) racuse Uni\er it) - teacher of mu ic theory, mu ic !:10r of junior cia_ and member of social committee-– coache g}mna tic!'. DO ' ALD LOIIR- BM, and MM Ed., }racuse niver ity- teacher of mu ic theory, music appreciation, band, orche tra, and choru - coache ten– nis, dance band, pep band, marching band, majorette , and choraleer - i al o member of building cabinet- member of Y TA, LFA, Y MA, MENC- during the ummer, Mr. Lohr i an o££ic ial in the Y State Fair band competition, lead the Liverpool Village Band and i al o engaged in parades. ELIZABETH MA EY- B , t. Joseph' College ; graduate work, Syra– cu e Univer ity- teacher of home economic ; clothing, food , nutrition. family living, interior decorating, home management spon or of Junior Red Cross and sopho– more clas - member of Y TA, LFA, AHEA, and OCHEA work a ale clerk at Addi Co. during the summer. DOROTHY MEEK- B and MA, }racuse Univer it} teacher of Cit. Ed. II pon or Washin!!lon Club and senior cia s-member of Y TA, S} racu e U. Alumnae, and outh Butler Grange--during the ummer, travel, study, and farming take up her time and allen– lion. WILLIAI\1 METZGER BA and MA, YS Teach– ers College, Albany; al o graduate work at Bo ton Col– lege under a ational cience Foundation grant- teache plane and solid geometr}, intermediate and advanced algebra, and trigonometry- span or of ~ational Honor Society and the Chess Club; was golf coach for several year member of YSTAI\1, CMT, and Kappa Phi Kappa-coun!:1Clor at Camp Wigmwam during the urn– mer. JOH . OR ER- BA, Y Teacher College, Al– bany-teachc. 11th year Engli h and American Literature - director of enior play, co-spon or of ITA, and mem– ber of safety committee--member of YSTA, LFA, Sig– ma Lambda igma, and State College Alumni A 'n. D. A. PALMIERI AB and l\1 degree with special grad– uate work on Ph.D. teacher of chemi try, phy ic , hi- Donald Lohr Elizabeth Ma scy Dorothy Meek William Metzger Joan .\I urphy