Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
on Memorable Washington Trip LI:'\DA CHIPPERFIELD-CCBI; Marriage-Red Cross Club; Library Club President "Don't Get Shook!" JA~tES CLARY (Jim) -Engineering; Physics– Baseball; Bowling "B-eautiful" JLDITH COFFIN (Judy)-Nurse; Art C I u b; ITA; FNA President "Oh, Great!" BEVERLY COMINS (Sparrow)-Beauty School; \larriage-GAA; Red Cross Club "Chuckle, Chuckle!" RICHARD COOL (Dick) -Engineering College– Basketball; Tennis; FTA; Sports Club; Year– hook Sports Ed.; NHS; Boys' State; Senior Play; Washington Club "I'd think she was swingin' !" JACQUELI E CORNISH (Jackie)-Physiothera– pi~t-Red Cross Club; Yearbook; FTA Presi– dent; NHS Sec'y; Washington Club " I eepers!" JOA'J COSTIGAN (Joanie)-Nurse-Press Club; Yearbook; Art Club; FTA, Vice-Pres.; Washing– ton Club James Clary Beverly Comins Judith Coffin Richard Cool Jacqueline Cornish Joan Costigan Anthony Cresho Richard Crispin Susanne Cutler Daniel D'Agostino ANTHONY CRESHO (Tony)-College-Bowling; Washington Club "The perfect gift for the girl who has everything is medicine" RICHARD CRISPIN (Dick)-DrafLsman-Wash- ington Club • "Next Year" SUSANNE CUTLER (Sue)-College-GAA; Glee Club; Bowling; Red Cross Club; Washington Club "Oh, Shoot!" DANIEL D'AGOSTINO (Louie) - College-Band; Dance Band; Marching Band; Football; Chef Club; Chorus; Orchestra; Washington Club "You Must Be Kidding Me!" 25
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