Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
28 Nonna Hapeman Kay llewit( Ronald I! in. haw Margaret Holden Allan Holme Lynn Hubbard CAROL HuLL ( apphire) - Legal ecrelary; l\lar– ria~e-F A; Red Cro Club; Pre:; Club; Wash– ington Club "But I only did it once!" D\VW IIC:\T (Oa, e)-College- Band; Pep Band; Dance Band; Technology Club; Football; Wa hington Club " ow, look here" 110~ '\RD lii.JR T (llo\\ie)-Technical In titute– Band; Dance Bqnd; Wa hington Club "I like 'i'l:on" Seniors Wore Out Pages of College NOR\1A llAPE\lAN ( horty )-College-Nil . Dramatic Club; Choru : Ba_ketball; Washin~ton Cluh "Really!" KAY JJEWITf Bu~ines chool- Red Cros Club: FT\: \II : Wa~hington Club "Good Grief" RO\\Lf) Ill\ 11\W (Ron)-:'\al}: Electronic· Technician Football; Band: Orche Ira; Gym· na~tic~: Bo1ding; Dance Band; Washington Club "1 us/ don't zt·orry about i(' \IARG \HET IIOLDE~ 1 Peg) - College -FTA: Chorus "Don't throu your silvenmre army, Carol'' ALLA neer IIOL\IE (AI) ~a1y; Electrical Engi· Band: Projectioni t Club; hop Club "Let's moPe" L\:\\ liLBB\HD Bu ine. chool; \larriage- GA \: occer; Choraleer ; Bu ines~ Club Trea• "Good bye, gootl luck, and Cod bless you" RICHARD HLGIIE (Dick) Ser1ice; College– Basletball; Ba~ball; Wao;hington Club "Who, me?" Richard Hughes David Hunt Carol Hull Howard Hur~t
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