Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
The new Superintendrnt of the Liverpool Cen– tral School•, Peter Dungan, enter" the sen– iur hil!h •chool buildinj!. This has been an l''· pecially hu.,y )ear, involved with such work as c,aluation of tlw •choolo for Middle tate~ ac– nt>ditation and in further expan•ion, in addi– tiun to the otlwr job of admini•tering a large •<·hoot cli•trict. Jeffery Lammers Janet Lorber Mary Jane Lammers Richard :.'lacchione As Seniors, "We'll Remember JEFFERY LAMMERS-College-French Club; Exchange tudent to Panama: Pres., tudent Council MARY JA ' E LAVIMER (Janie) - College-FTA; Library Club; H ; International Fellow hip; Treas., FTA: Washington Cluh "Carambo" KE LATHROP t kip)-College: Drafting- Football: ' FTA: Wa hington Cluh "IPhat a Blast" JEA LEWI - College-Bowling; Choru ; French Club; Yearbook: 1 H ; Cheerleading; Wa hington Club "T err if ic" RICHARD LOt CZAK (Dick) - College-Football: Chef Club; Wa hington Club ]A ET LORBER (Dimple )-Bu iness School; Marriage - Bo,ding; GAA; Red Cros Club; Majorettes; Wa hing· ton Club " o what's new, Fran?" RICHARD IACCH IO ' E (Dick)-College-Tcchnology Club; Washington Club "IP!ty not?" KATilLEE '1acCOLL ;\1 tKath) )-Teacher- occer; Volle)ball: Ba!1kethall; Bo,vling; GAA President; \Va.h· ington Club "Pretty Good" Ll DA MAR HALL tLix)-Jr. College-Red Cross Club; Yearbook: \Va hington Club "IP!tat now?" MARIO ' lA TERPOL-College; Exec. Secretary- GAA: F A; Bowling ; Pre Club; Choralcers; HS; Busines; Club; Wa hington Club Ken Lathrop Kathleen l\lacCollum " How 'hout that?" J ean Lewis Linda Marshall Richard Lonczak Marion :.tasterpol
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