Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

Always- Graduation Day" ROBERT ;\IE\\ lA\ (Lob trr) - College Pro– Jertioni t Club; Library Club; Wa hington Club "Good .Homing" J IHTII ~IETCALF Uud) )-College- Student Council; F'TA; Volle) ball; ~Iorning Mission ; Yt·arhuok: I I \LICE ~IIC II EL (\lichael) - Art Teacher Ghess Cluh: FTA: F\A: panh•h Club; French Club; ,\rt Cluh "I'm the quiet type!" \1 \HLE\E i\II DDAIJGII (~featball)- ecretar); ~larrin~e- GAA; Bo,ding; Soccer; Red Cross Cluh: \ lnjorelte ; :Washington Club " ee )OU around the campus'' ~1\nm:w \tJEL\ICKI IJughead) - Army· Chef Cluh: Projectioni~t Club " 'asty" 1.1:'\D\ \ EGu College; Teaching-ITA; Red Cro-~ Club; Choru"; Orchestra; Yearbook; II ; Ba·kl'thall; Wa~hington Club "Yes, ma" \'\X onr·TEAD (Bud) College-Librar) Club; H~l Crn~" Club; French Club; Bowling; Chor– aleer-: '\'\ a<;hington Club "It rt·as only a flash bulb" 5\\DH,\ 0' liE \ ( ugar) Business School– Student Council; FHA; Chorus; Glee Club "Oh, honey" PETEH P\ R 0\ (Speedy) - College; Industrial flesi~n or Commercial Art-Track; Football; Technnlo~\ Club: rnior Pia): Orchestra; Wash– ington Cluh "It's only the beginning" Robert l\lenasian Judith 1\Ietcal£ Alice .:\lichel Marlene .:\liddaul(h Matthew ~lielnicki Arthur .:\lolella Linda 1\egu Van Olm-tcad Sandra 0' hea Peter Par-ons