Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
Seems Very Short S E VILE (Susie)-Nursing-Band; Choralettes; FTA; Bowling; Red Cro s; Ira; Washington Club "I like Ike" Chorus Orches- DAVID VOLLMER (Dave)-Service-Art Club; Track; Press Club "Nuts" EDWARD WHITFORD (Ed)-Grocery Store 'tanager-Yearbook "Sufferin' Moose" GEORGE WIEGA D (Wig)-Draftsman-Foot· ball; Baseball; Washington Club "What do you say" LOIS WIEGAND (Lo)-Nursing-FNA; Band; Tennis; Bowling; Volleyball; Basketball; Stu– dent Council; Washington Club "I beg your pardon" DIA:\E WILCOX-College-ITA; Red Cross; Wa~hington Club; Art Club "Oh, gosh!" JA~El' WILLIAMS (Jan)-College-FNA; Vol– leyball; FTA; Choraleers; Yearbook; NHS; Chorus; Washington Club "Uh, huh!" RICHARD WILLIAMS (Dick)-College-Tech. Club; Chess Club; Basketball; Washington Club "Is that right?" BARRY WOOD (Goldwater)-College; Work in i\"uclear Physics--Tech. Club; HS; Chess Club; Washington Club "What's the story here?" Carmen Torzon Lois Wiegand Sue Vile Diane Wilcox David Vollmer Janet Williams Exchange students all! Eduardo Malo explains some o( the curios from his native Ecuador to Panamanian Pollo Herrara and our 1960 ex– change student to Panama, Jeff Lammers. Edward Whitford Richard Williams George Wiegand Barry Wood
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