Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
GUILLERMO HERRERA "Polio" EDUARDO MALO FOREIG STUDE TS ALL! Each year, the International Fellowship, Inc. gives high school students all over the United States chances to visit other countries. Although the organization deals primarily with South American countries, others, sue}> as India and Japan, are al o included. Last summer, under this program, two students from Liverpool High chool went to South America; Jane Lammers to Cuenca, Ecuador, and Jeffrey Lammers to the Republic of Panama. In exchange, we at Liverpool have two students from these countries, studying with us. They ~re Eduardo Malo from Cuenca, Ecuador, and Guillermo Herrara from the Republic of Panama. Mo t of the tudents here at Liverpool both know and like Polio and Washo, and wish that they could stay longer than ju t one school year. However, we feel sure that we have learned much about Panama and Ecuador from these two boys. We won't forge.t either of you. "Wasbo" OFF TO OUTH A:\IERICA! JEAN CHILD L. to R. Mary Jane Lammers, James Reilly, E. Banuski, Jeffrey Lammers. The American Field service also sends tudents abroad. Jean Childs spent the summer in France, staying with a family in Lille. Jean apparently enjoyed her so– journ in France, traveling with her adopted family. Due to the inability to find a home for a student from France, we did not entertain a student from the American Field Service, this year. In order to spread the spirit of fellow– ship throughout the world, let's encourage and upport the continuation of these pro· j:rram here at Liverpool Senior High.
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