Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

J. Ili~hnp, J. Reyrau. Boh arul Betty D. \lake the list )on;,! or cnlle;:c ;:rads from the '61 throng. S1hia D. is ,,ritinl-! of Ike. ,\n alumnus of SU is \I ikt· I B.) h·1a E. i~ another \ladamc Curie. Linda ll. is imohcd 11ith psyeholo;:y. \o~t•list. F'. Zwal'ki. lias his typin;: done hy Joanna and \lary Ann B. Srrretan· Sandra O'Shea. ), •itti n;: on her ho,s"s. J. Roi~c's knee. 1\ay S.. Pam B. and \1. \lastcrpol .\re all partners in a husincss school. Tearlwrs in this ;,!real institution \re Paula D.. Kay II.. ,\nn R. and \I. Sawran. Finanrit·r .'tel,. Snm t'l' J, tlw •·nrployer of \larilyn D. and S. Fuller. \\'hile T. Cre•ho. a p·eat manufadurer. Is till' ho·" of E. Wri ;:ht. Lynn II. and J . Lorher. Fun·•t Han;:er. K. Chapman. meets an old friend . .\1 C. Cna•t Cuanlsn~;rn. (umt•r,in;: with Jan F.. Ken L.. Hit'k\ H.. Geor;:e \\'.. ;nul Dick Cri•pin \II •u•·•·•·,..ful •n. Our nur,...•s Han;:rr. Zo;:;: and Vile ~pt•nd many a nronH·nt 1\ortlndrile ~trokin;: the r.., ered hrow or millionaire Ron llinsha11 . ~tutlt·nt" or tlw in..titult· ..r technolo;:y \n· Fn·tl S.. llo11 it• II. and D. Spcnsieri. Judy L. :nul Jackie C. \ ·ra1 tl'chn ic ian and l'hysiotlll'rapist. n•specti1·ely. Jim (;.. Dick R. anti B. Rlair \rc no\\ proft'""ionals in TV repair. \'nna B. is doin;: 11ell. \\'orkin;: in airlint· pcr,.onrwl. Jli,ton teadwr S. Beishlirll'. Takl'' lwr stUtlt•nh hack throu;:h time \\'ith the aid of tlw lalt'st texts lh hi-torian J. Barndt. R. Joseph. car dealer. works With F. GiHord. a manager of traHic, Who makes usc of many a slick trick While W. Bcllrose of the state police Goes to R. Wood for chemical analysis. Photo;,!raplwr. Bud 0 ., \\'orks for R. Battoe in a TV studio. Auditionin;,! for parts Are Sue C. and N'orma H. Patrons of the arts. 0. Lonzaek, a hi;: cxecuti1·e. \Iecls B. \lenasian, a special reprcsentati1·e With his personal secretary. ;\I. ;\liddaugh Talking to Jean L. who is working in Alabama. P. I Iolden and L. \larshall Visit in;: 11 ith 1>. Stearns and C. Schunck, Hccommcnd R. Rose as a CPA To G. Stirncr. about to take a financial fall. Bu~inessmen \laris H.. Dick R .. arul Carmen G. lla1c formed a l'nrporation, And each i~ 'it·in;:: to sec. H Janet \\ . ''ill fill his secretaq s position. Our reprcsentatiH'" to the 01} mpic Game~ ,\n• Joan 1'. and Kathy \lac Two t!rca t dames Sure to ''in at lea!'t in track. Polio II. is president, to be exact ,\rul of Panama. as a matter of fact. Edwanlo \1.. with Iris South American charm, lias just strolled in '' ith Janie L.. arm in arm. ll. Kantak. professional football player, Is l'lreercd h} S. Pineo. ht•ad cheerleader. Carol II.. a legal secretary. TPncls to mailers too elementary For her boss H. ;\lachinne \\'hose fame is \ ery well·knowrr. \Ve\c come to tire end of our list, \Ve hope there is no one we ha1·e missed. And now with spirit strong, \Ve'll close in sin;,!ing our ::-drool son;:.