Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access

~1y ""' HEELS", I, Dick Dickin~on, leave to Don Cady so he can have as good a 1 ime as I did and still attempt to pass all his 'uhject•. The heM years of my life, I, Marilyn DiRisio, leave to memory. To Doug Walker, I, , } )via Doane, leave my broken thistle tube in hopes that he will be a "bong" of a chemist. I, Len Dobkowski, leave to Joe Melfi my ability to flirt with the rhirk•. My parking spaces, I, William Donaldson, leave to the person or pt·r-ons "ho arr strong enough to take them and kPep the~ from anybody who wants them. I, Dt>nni" Doy It', do hPrehy lean· a noted phiJo>Ophy of life lf at first you don't succeed, give up, you fool, give up! Becau<e I havf' nothing, I, Janey Durham leave nothing. I, leva Elksnic, grateful for what I have received, leave nothing because I have nothing to give. ~ly ability to sin~~: (like the "Fendermen"), I, Jan Fetterly, leave to Davf' • utton. This was handed down by John Sobotka. To anyonp who can use it, I, Cheri Fischer, leave my ability to gt'l out of \lr-.• Iavin's English class by turning blue. I, ancy Freyer, leave my ability to say the wrong thing at the \HOnj!; time to any Junior who wants it. Because I'm taking it all with me, I, Jim Galimi, leave to Louis Tt>rrinoni. - - nothing. My notebook for ~1rs. Murray's English class, I, Carmen Giamar· tino, lea'e to Tom McCabe. The sayings, "HUT" and "BALK," I, Fred Gifford, leave to Walt chamu. I, orma Hapeman, leave to Amber Rasner a bottle of vitamin pills and "i~h ht>r lurk on the way home. To my sister Karen, I, Kay Hewitt, leave my seat in Mr. (T's) En~~:li•h cia-•. The good times I had at Liverpool, 1, Dick Hughes, leave to anyone who de~ire• them. I, Carol Hull, am so glad to get out of school that I leave every– thing that is left to anyone who wants it. My love of band, I, David Hunt, leave to Walt Schamu. To Biff nediker, I, Howard Hurst, leavf' my ~eat in Mr. (T's) homeroom. J, !:->u-sn llur-t , do hereby· lt•ave to my brother my favorite seat in American History. To the Li,erpool Hi~~:h School, I, Robert Jo~eph, lea\e my sis– ter- lots of luck. l\ly ability to talk ince~.antly for great periods of time and absolutely nothing, I, Pat Juliano, do hereby leave. To anyone who is •illy enouf!h to accept them, I. ~lal) Kalil, leave the trials and tribulations of my gym clas•. I, Dantak, hereby leave my old, moldy football locker. II to my counterpart, Joe Melfi. Being physically and mentally incapable of willing anythin~ anybody, T, Bob Kennedy, leave all my possessions to the tax· payers who will probably never get any u•e out of them am way. To John Gardner and Dave Griffin. I. John Kepler, lea\r J,· of luck. I, Andrea Kolce-ki, of uni!Jue character, do hereby leave to all devoted bus drivers, especially Gary Hawks, my ever)ao;t' memory. My place at the end of the lunch line in third lunch, I, llol Kraus, leave to anyont• with enough stamina to wait that lllDI between meals. To all my colleague•, I, Judy Ann LaFreniere, leave my plarr il Miss Albar's gym cia.•~. T, Mary Jane Lammrr•, lt>aw• Livrrpool with happy memorit<. Being of sound mind, T, Jeffery Lammers, leave "nothing to • body." l\fy books and lorkrr plu, my girl friend•, I. Ken Lathrop, lnll to Bill Franz. To Gail Glel'son, I, Jean Ll.'wis, do hereby leave the techniq11 required to get aero•• the 'trect and into homeroom in thim seconds. Hert>by, T. Dick Lonczak, leave to Hal Bernardi and Vinnie Forim my knack for keeping out of trouble and hope that they will abide by thi•. Being of •lim mind and even slimmer body, I, Janet Lorbc!. leavt> to my dt•are,t, helovt'd •i'-lf'r, Pat, my ability not to Jr! along with the <,tudenl< in the ~chool; and I just want to lean• plt•a•e! T, Kathy MacCollum, leave to the physical education gang all thr fun I've had in previou• yPars of high school; and to \li!i Abar, I leave my old skiis all waxed and ready to go at the fi r,;t •ign of •now. The ability to pas• all courses, I, Marion Masterpol, leave to Ill)' si-,ter, ~largif'. Hoping that it will do tlll'm more good than it did me (nothint), I, Linda \far~hall. lt•ave to anyone my sister's journal. To the fir•t person entering our school with three arms, I, Robert Manasian, give a .,3,000 ocholarohip because he'll need it.