Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
\fter meetin~t our five new teacher~- \lr. Conner~. industrial arts ; Mr. Cooper, industrial arts; Mrs. Costello, art; Mrs. ft•r~tu•on, businr,• ; anJ \lr-.. wartz, girls' physical education " ~' be~tan the nt'\\ •chool year with the usual September spirit. We \\ ere plca-t•d to see ~lr. \1etzger return to LC to teach nntht·matic'. aftl'r a year of advancrd study at Bo ton College, undr r tllf.' ational ~cience Foundation program. This \\ as the year of the big con•truction program, as tht' •t•nior high <..ehool building was enlarged in an r ffort to krep up " ith tht• expanding studt•nt population. ~lr. Reed, our principal, and the tota l •taff \\ t'rl' kept \ Cr) busy planning for the building expan•ion ; in attt>nding mct>tings; and rspecially in working on t'\ a lua tiun a nd arrrt>ditation by the \liddlr • tatt•s A•~ciation of Collt•j:t''> and ~t'rondary • r hool . ~!any half-day se«ions were hr ld in C!lllnt•rtion ''ith this evaluation program. lli~h intt•rr-t in the pre•identia l t•lt•ction was a rou•r d in the fall "ith tht• fHrmation of Tern,.for-Kennr d y and T eens-for- ' ixon d ubs among our 'tudt•nt•. \lr. Sipher was spon~r of the Kennedy :rroup, and \lr. Burdir k \\ as spono;or of the ixon club. It was a great ) ear fo r honors- Ten mt'mbrrs of our ~:raduating ria s won ' 'I'_ Rrgents College Srhnla r- hip•, of whom two were dual winners in math. and <cicnrt•: al-.o, •t·H·n otlw rs wr re alternate winner~ of Regents <..eholar-hip , many of \\hom will recei' e award<. Pat Juliano won the p:old key ( highest award ) in the art com– petit ion sponoored by thr National • cholastic .Magazine for this rep:ion, rompri• ing <oe\ en rountie~ in rentral 1 ew York. Our othr r two art reprrsentati, es in thi' contest al~ won a\\ ards. THE SCHO In the compellt10n of the ~Iathematics Association of Amtrir. and the • ociety of Actuaries, Liverpool studen'ts placed in th< highest quarter of the 332 participating school . Mr. Carha~ accompanied teve , nover, Jim • Iinson, and Jim Clary to thi, meet- and also to the annual Manliu~ Academy ~1athematio Tournament which wa attended by 707 students from centril ew York. In the bu• ine-s department, Gregg awards were won in hort· hand at speeds up to 120 words per minute, and in typing " ith speed of over 50 net word per minute. Kay Hewitt won fir..t place from among over 200 student .. ~ competed for the annual Powelson Business Institute award. Our chess team, sponsored by ~lr. ~letzger, won the Ononda~J County regional chess champion~hip. Three years ago, gymnastics was bep:un as a team sport at LC: and has since become a major sport. This year the team fini hl" in second place, ju t ed ged out of a tie for fir t place in tb final mret of the sea~n. with orth yracuse. Coach is \lr Luttinger, and assistant coach i - Mr. Legg. The fifth annual cience Fair was held on ~larch 10. A lar~ numbe r of students competed in this affair with intere,tin educational exhibits and demonstrations. everal representati1 from industry and education were on hand to observe our chO<• and our student•. We could go on endles ly relating the school year in thi manner, but probabl) the following outline of the faculty an' ~tudent chedule-taken from the teacher ' handbook will b a better way to tell you a bout 1960-61. '10\ E\IBER 60 2, 9, 30 Fuuhy and ('Ontmiute met>t· in'' 4- Vititora' day; aJJf'mbly for intlallation of NHS: wt plar Norch Svra('uu htre. 7, 8 - Si1naturt ni1htt. Junion makt bic auccri'• of col· 1t'Ninc monty and auto· arapht for yurbook ! !I)-Football al w.. t C<nrs•• 15 Wot> it ua! fin t rt'port t"ardt of )"tar diatributtd. 18 School pan y dance 21 Cia s mt"tlinc• and Studt'nt Countil 21- Rtmtmbt r those rrport tardt last wrt>lt- well, tonicht it parrnla' ni~:ht here at ttn· ior hich t<"hool 2&, 25-Thanktcivinc rtt'tll
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