Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
CHESS TEAM COUNTY CHAMPS!!! The Lherpool enior Hi~h • hool Che. Team won the City and County chola tic Che Tournament for 1960 spon ored by the Syracu«e Che' Club at the Y. I.C.A. The senior boys receiv· in~ the team trophy, December 13th, were Captain, Iments Zie· din~, Barry Wood, Richard Wil· Iiams, and Robert Kraus. The tournament tarted ovember 19th and continued on weekend through December 11th when the final playoff~ took place. The Liverpool tt>am deft>ated Central Tech and Fayette' ille-:\lanliu in the playoffs to take the champion· ~hip in the enior High Divi ion. The ponsor of the Lherpool 'enior High chool Che~ Club, -..hich sent four of it~ members to the tournament, is William :\letz· ~er, a mathematics teacher at the high ~hool. :\lr. :\letzger is proud of the winning che•s team and commended the >raeuse Che Club for ghing the school in Onondaga County a chance to compete for an honor other than an athletic award. :\fr. Loren Mad· i~an i the tournament director for thr yracu«e Chess Club. The City and County Che Trophy is pre entl) bein~ exhibit· ed in the high ~hool. The school winning the trophy three con ecu· the year keep it permanently. Congratulations go to the boys for bringin~ thi honor to the • nior High 'chool. FIRST ROW: E. \lalo, J. Cib-on, J. \lbri~:o, F. Carll'o. SECO D ROW: W., J. Bongiorno, R. William , l\Ir. Metzger, I. Zirdin,, D. Walkt•r.
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