Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Full Access
KENT'S ATLANTIC SERVICE Goodyear Tires-Batteries Accessories Road Service Phone OL 2-9884 Compliments of WM. CHASE YOUNG, JR. MERLE B. PRATI GORDON T. MacARTHUR Compliments of !MESON'S DAIRY Phone OL 2-5339 Vine St., Liverpool ALBERTA CROWE LETTER SERVICE, INC. 318 First Street Liverpool, New York Good Luck JOE'S BARBER SHOP 329 FIRST ST. liverpool, N. Y. LIVERPOOL HEATING, INC. 321 First St. liverpool, New York Compliments of STEVE'S RESTAURANT IRVING W. ORTH General Insurance Real Estate 403-405 Tulip Street LIVERPOOL SWEETHEART CORNER, INC. Fay and Brewerton Roads North Syracuse, New York "Corner of Real Values" SPORTS MART, INC. 3703 Brewerton Road Located at Pitcher Hill NORTH SYRACUSE
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