Liverpool High School 1961 Yearbook (Liverpool, NY) - Guest Access
2 FOREWORD 1961-DERFUL, THE YEAR OF RECONSTRUCTION! Well, here we are again with another HIAWATHAN. There have been a few changes made in the old Alma Mater. rew faces have been added; some of the old, familiar ones are gone, and the school itself is having its face lifted. Due to the con– struction of a new wing, classes are often interrupted and rooms changed, leaving both teachers and students confused. The main concern this year is the new addition. Although the mud, dust, and noise are bothersome during its construction, we all feel that the end result is well worth the trouble, for both teachers and students will be able to take advantage of the new library and science labs which will be included. In the '61 HIAWATHAN, we will try to take you on a guided tour through the confusion, and show you some of the things that have occurred during the year just past. We hope that you enjoy reading this yearbook as much as we, the HIAWATHAN staff, enjoyed preparing it.
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