SUPERVISING PRINCIPAL. LYLE E. YOUNG To Mr. Young go all our grateful thanks for his inspiring leadership and understanding. His patience and cooperation ~:~ill always be remEmbered by his fo nner pupi Is. ~1ay 1appiness and prosperity go with him as he leaves us for Johnson City next year. FACULTY Back Row': F. Fundis, o. Yates, L. Young, A. Hyattk E. Randall . Third Row: J. Polly, F. Salisbury, L. Shultz, E. Reinhart, M. Burke, • Mclaughlin, A. Bennett. Seconil Row: 0. Hicks, F. Bachman,. 0. B~ntley, 0. Shephard, G. Calkins 1 N. Stevens, G. Hahn, M, Aungier, M. Bums, rront ow: E. Sheedy, M, Howes, E. Forward, M. Conan, E. Hunter, A. Dorland, B. Waterman, B. J. Fox, J. Ciesla.