Skaneateles High School 1945 Yearbook (Skaneateles) - Guest Access

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SENIOR CLASS HISTORY In 1933 ten pupils of the first grade, members of the present senior class, began to make its history. They were Harriet Amerman, Doris Barber, Marshall Col~ William Delaney, Henrietta Huxford, Arthur Lee, Jean Morton, Kathryn Anne Murphy,. Hall Shultz and David Thomas. In our Freshman year this number had increased to 78, the majority of the class having come in from rural and other schools. Due to the various changes brought about by the war, this number diminished to ~2in our Sen i o r y ea r. Our high school years have been marked with many interesting activities. The success of the Class of 1 ~5 began in our Freshman year when, under the able guidance of Hrs. Waterman and Hiss Keefer, we successfully sta~ed the final presentation of the Junior High School "Jollies." We expanded our treasury morewith the sale of candy. With the aid of our class officers Hall Shultz. Henrietta Huxford, Jean Morton and Bert Hunt, we turned our interests to the furthering of defense stamp sales. We wound up our year of learning and fun with a Freshman party and dance, our graduation exercises and our banquet at Krebs. In our Sophomore year we elected Bert Hunt, president; Charles Shapley, vice-presiden~ Mary Alice Havemeyer, secretary and Shirley Steele, treasurer. With this slate of officers and the help of our advisors, Mr. Fundis and Mrs. Crosby, we planned and sponsored our Sophomore dance which was the greatest financial success of the season. Miss Sheedy and Mrs. Rauscher helped us through our Junior year when we held our Junior Prom, purchased our class rings and graduation invitations.. Our officers were: Hall Shultz, Charles Shapley, Jean Morton and Wi 11 i am Delaney. In our Senior year we elected Charles Shapley, Doris Barber, Eleanore Phillips and David Thomas. Our class flower is the Carnation; our colors. S1Jver and Blue and our motto, "Jmpossible - UnAmerican.• Towards the end of November we began to work on our senior play production, "Don't Keep Him Waiting." But because of the number of Senior boys who helped make up our two superb basketball teams, we were short of manpower and thus unable to present the play. Last fall two of our classmates, Harold Stott and Irene Durgala, suffered attacks of Infantile Paralysis. Irene returned to school in January and was heartily welcomed by all. Now we are happy about confirmed reports that Harold will soon be up and around. We want them both to know that our thoughts have been with them throughout the year. We also wish to express our pride in the three boys who have left our ranks to join the Merchant Marine: Bert Hunt, Charles Jordan and Horace Main.. We have planned a dance to make money and have undertaken the huge job of producing a fine yearbook. As the year draws to a close, we are I ook ing forward (with expectation} to a banquet, our baccalaureate service, · Senior Ball, and finally our graduation exercises. Some of us will go on to college, but many of our boys, to preserve our Ame ri can way of J i fe, wi II enter the service of our country. MAIN, HORACE J , CHARLES L. pQS1 GRADUA1ES

. . the senior class of 1945 presents 1-R~ (Omef.

FOREWORD In presenting this ~k, we, the Staff hope that the PICtu~jj f the school life found heredWI o . f the g ra ua- not only summanz~ o~ hts of its t in g cIa ss the h I g ~I~ ga I so bring four-year career, u rnaback, more vividly, the happy ments of the past.

SUPERVISING PRINCIPAL. LYLE E. YOUNG To Mr. Young go all our grateful thanks for his inspiring leadership and understanding. His patience and cooperation ~:~ill always be remEmbered by his fo nner pupi Is. ~1ay 1appiness and prosperity go with him as he leaves us for Johnson City next year. FACULTY Back Row': F. Fundis, o. Yates, L. Young, A. Hyattk E. Randall . Third Row: J. Polly, F. Salisbury, L. Shultz, E. Reinhart, M. Burke, • Mclaughlin, A. Bennett. Seconil Row: 0. Hicks, F. Bachman,. 0. B~ntley, 0. Shephard, G. Calkins 1 N. Stevens, G. Hahn, M, Aungier, M. Bums, rront ow: E. Sheedy, M, Howes, E. Forward, M. Conan, E. Hunter, A. Dorland, B. Waterman, B. J. Fox, J. Ciesla.

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