Oneonta High School 1967 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Guest Access

The OHSan 1967 Volume 43 Oneonta Senior High Oneonta, New York

Summer, autumn, winter, and spring– each creates a different beauty. The summer sun bathes our blossoming courtyard in a glow of warmth. Near the boxes of geraniums and petunias, students seek a shady nook or a sunny bench where they can meditate alone, study for an exam, or relax with friends. In autumn, the red maples form an archway as they line the front of the building, and the rolling hills surround the school in a burst of russet and gold. The snow laden pines and hemlocks mark the advent of winter, and it, too, passes in a shimmer of ice and a gust of wind along the winding approach. Slo...wly, gentle spring envelopes our courtyard. and grounds with an abundance of bright tulips and rose-colored flowering crab trees to bring to an end a year at OHS.

Culture, an important facet of education, provides an opportunity for students to express themselves and observe their individual feelings portrayed in someone else. Student dramatists stage Broadway plays, the varsity choir performs popular musicals, and the band presents a spring concert. Displayed throughout the school, designs and sketches illustrate students' cultural initiative in a tangible form of art. Exciting assemblies bring outside performers to our school, broadening the cultural horizons of many students.

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