Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Dave Magellan, Dave Lynch, and Joe Frieman admire the new flash for the Echo camera which the business staff purchased this year. While covering their news beats, Echo editors Carol Tubbs and Priscilla Garhart discuss a potential story with Mr. Belden. Echo staffers • top awards at Syracuse; w1n ECHO-Front row: J. Elfenbein, page editor, C. Tubbs, page editor, P. Garhart, editor-in-chief, J . Frieman, business manager, M. Wetmore, sports editor. Second row, G. Brienza, D. Pickens, D. Coons, D. Lynch. 96 pnotograpner, D. Cuyler, D. Magellan, photographer, Mrs. Gladys Brink, adviser, B. Danzi.