Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
FOOTBALL - Front row: 0. Abbott, B. Biche'; W. Bookhout, P. Cerra, J. Sparaco, 0. Sanchez, J. Salisbury, T. Necrason, R. Kniskern, T. Thayer, manager. Second row: Mr. Edward Pushkar, head coach, M. Banta, D. Simonds, B. Layman, J. LeSuer, G. Borden, T. Deery, R. Conte, T. Parsons, J. Couden, manager. Third row: Mr. Joseph Campbell, assistant coach, T. Co-captain John Sparaco levels an opposing defensive man en – route to one of the many touchdowns he scored during the season. 100 Hanzalik, G. Carvin, J. Cooper, E. Schlenkermann, M. Carnicelli, J. Monington, K. Williams, L. Graves, D. Hall, student trainer. Fourth row: D. Cuyler, B. Bree, G. Ackerson, K. Townsend, D. Reinhardt, K. Sutter, T. Wilsey, L. Fawcett, A. Sparaco, L. Boschetti. Roger Conte pulls down a 43 yard pass from Terry Deery to score a touchdown in the Jackets' 47-12 romp over Rome.
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