Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
CROSS COUNTRY - Front row: R. Matthewson, C. Oliver, 0 . Colombo, M. Wetmore. Second row: J. Conklin, L. Risley, R. McVinney, J. Ballantine. Harriers Earn 4-1 Record, Dominate Iroquois League The Yellowjacket cross country team fin– ished its season with a 4-1 dua I meet record with wins over Ilion and Cooperstown and two victories over Norwich. The only meet the harriers dropped was a 32- 26 loss to Cobleskill. Highlighting the season was the team's vic– tory in the Iroquois League meet, which the Yellowjackets hosted this year for the second time in league history. Russ Mathewson won the race, leading all runners over the new 2.4 mile course which winds through Wilber Park. The Jackets also participated in the Coble– skill Invitational and the Section Ill Meet. CROSS-COUNTRY OHS Opponents 18 ... .. . ... ............. . .... Norwich ...... . .. . ... . ................. . . ... 44 34 .................. .. . . . .... Ilion . ..... .. ..... ...........•............ . .21 32 ........................ .. . Cobleskill .......... ................ . ... ...26 19 .. ... . .. ... .. .............. Norwich ... . ... . ..... . . . ..... . ..............40 18 .. ......................... Cooperstown . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. ...............40 103 Third row: Mr. Edwm Oeleski, coach, T. Collins, R. Kafchinski, C. Shedlock, A. Wh1te. Darrell Colombo, Jim Ballantine, and Chris Oliver lead their opponents as they begin to cover the 2.4 mile course.
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